significant, unfortunate exception: his reaction to the death of his wife, Marlene. ther of Baughmans children. Complete rules for conducting investigations, overcoming crises, fighting for your life, and watching your sanity slip away. So you went to law school and then applied. Shit. I roll 20. AGE AND D.O.B. )Rolling the DiceWhen the rules need you to roll dice, they use a parti- cular nomenclature to save time and space: #D#, as in 1D8 or 4D6. The first number is the number of dice. work, suffers a reduction in a Bond, gains a new disorder, suffers a permanent injury, or undergoes any other major change, make a note of it here. There are three kinds of insanity in ma. ATTACKING OR FIGHTING BACK: Opposes each Fight Back: Roll Melee Weapons or Unarmed hand-to-hand attack that turn. NATIONALITY 5. Traumatic background:A brilliant FBI forensic pathologist. Pharmacy 50% Science (Biology) 60% What Brought You to Delta Green? Complete rules for character creation. If the escape roll succeeds, your Agent is in about three metersclose enough to duck behind no longer pinnedand the escape roll defends it.) You conspire to cover it all up so no one else must see what you've seenor learn the terrible truths you've discovered. You were freed by a team of secret government agents (maybe some of your fellow Agents now). Swim, whatever makes sense. Definitions: (a) Contributors means the copyright and/ copyright date, and the copyright holders name to the COPYRIGHTor trademark owners who have contributed Open Game Content; NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. ISBN/UPC. Enjoy the bleak humor that oftenthe players to introduce their Agents. yes: only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further 15. Earn the players trust and keep it. You think hes breath- Then it turns toward you. Maybe you want to opposewhether you succeed, as well as what happens next. Use them to explore the things that are important to your Agent and the costs of involvement in Delta Green.Exhaustion Personal PursuitsThe first time your Agent tries to sleep after sufferingtemporary insanity or reaching the Breaking Point, Choose one personal pursuit. The Character Sheet Most Agents stay in the group until retirement age if they live that long. Lose 1D6 if you succeed or 1D10 if you belong to Delta Green. The Handlers next job is to in-troduce the operation: the events that will lead your Work With the Other PlayersAgent to confront unnatural horror. Describe the Home and Familyrepercussions as you play. You and the Handler should determine the detailsand why you agreed to come back.20. This acts as a defense roll against the unaware cant Dodge or fight back. For more information, please see our begins wailing in agony. If it fails, your Agent remains pinned and cannot defend against attacks. One opposed test makes for a A STAT: If anyone might be able to do it without short, that may require not a skill but instead acertain score in a stat: Strength if it needs physical In a more substantial pursuit, one side needs twopower, Intelligence if it needs clear reasoning, Power if successes. Baughmans heirs are expected within 48 hours. It knows far less about the cosmos than it claims, another, better corpse to inhabit.and whatever it says will be four parts nonsense toone part truth. Each has asions are most frequently seen among Agents: Anthro- score from 3 to 18. The disorder cannot be controlled until character and its time to make up a new one. AGE AND D.O.B. Plane tickets are reserved in one. 16. ARMOR AND GEAREQUIPMENT Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Lethality rolls. tank while they light the gasoline, her dying gasps and pleading shrieks are hideous, horrified and plain- Talking to it for an hour or two adds +1 percen- tive. When a Bonds score falls, that What Skill Ratings Representrelationship suffers. Opposed RollsThe Handler describes the situation; you say what What if two characters are using skills in direct op-your Agent is doing about it; the Handler decides position to each other? The contents of this document are Arc Dream Publishing, except as listed and excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property. No kidding. Six characters, ready to play. PERSONAL DETAILS AND NOTES 18. Thats Deltaof a secret organization called Delta Green. MOTIVATIONS AND MENTAL DISORDERS Hit Points (HP) 11 Motivation: Discovery Motivation: Learning about extraterrestrial life Willpower Points (WP) 12 Motivation: Guarding against the fragility of life Motivation: Crafting the perfect telescope Sanity Points (SAN) 89 48 Amnesia (see back of sheet) Breaking Point (BP) 36 13. The other iseverywhere. Ifyour Agent goes insane or reaches the Breaking Pointdue to that threat, erase all its checks. NATIONALITY FBI U.S. 5. Ill roll for how much you fail. Only 4! As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. And since then you've been in contact with a few secret government agents who were there (perhaps some of your fellow Agents now), who saved your life and are grateful to you for saving theirs. Tell And yet she lives. Bonus skills: Things Man Was Not Meant to Know.Firearms, First Aid, Foreign Language (Latin, twice),Forensics, Law, Medicine, Occult. If it fails, your Agent suffers an irretrievably insane. All sublicenses shallOpen Game Content distributed using this License. Atop the contents is asealed enveloped marked with a triangle in green ink. Your Agent can attack the pinned target in later turns.Combat is resolved in turns. No direct linking please. DERIVED ATTRIBUTES Hit Points (HP) Willpower Points (WP) Sanity Points (SAN) Breaking Point (BP) 10. We track that vulnera- 0/1D4bility in Sanity Points (SAN). Involving the Agents Agents who are not government employees, or who arent in the official program, are contacted by a Delta Many Agents are part of the official Delta Green pro- Green control officer. In fact, any time you lose 1 SAN or more, you must make a Sanity roll to resist blanking out and forgetting what caused the loss. This cannot protect Combat to oppose an attack. ARMOR AND GEAR Kevlar vest (3 armor points) worn under clothes (can be noticed with an Alertness test). Correction they are conservative based, early games where played with family and clan, and were created in strategy for the military going as far back as the Roman empire, military us traditionally . You always succeed at SAN rolls triggered by inflicting or suffering violence, but adapting to that kind of traumaREMARKS deadened your personality and reduced your Charisma. If you play a woman, work with the Handler to determine nationality, history, and rank.)20. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Doesyour Federal Agent work for the FBI, the DEA, theU.S. She screams and croakstile to each Agents Unnatural skill at a SAN cost of 1 far past the time when her voice should have beenSAN. Ifyoure playing a Physician, you probably want ahigh INT; a Special Operator needs a high CON. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Anything Else: Anything that takes a moments When its your turn, choose one action: concentration. The shed holds an assortment of tools and twenty one-gallon cans of gasoline, all full. A couple of boxes of spare 9mm and .38 ammunition (50 bullets each). They track how close your Agent is tobecoming psychologically adapted to that kind oftrauma. Delta Green: Need to Know is the quick-start rulebook and Handler's screen for Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game. A full nights rest removes that penalty. Fairfield Project (Fan-made but extensive wiki) Hundreds of Pre-Generated Characters. In Delta Green: The Role-Playing Game,you are one of those agents. Innocence is a luxury. Theres TABITHA: We should leave. blood everywhere. I have Anthropology at AMBER: Can I Dodge?70% and Occult at 80%. HANDLER: Youre insane, remember? Type. Either way, the Handler Youre both here for the same reason: a suspenseful,takes that into account to describe what happens next. If your Agent is younger, whatTake a look at the character sheet on pages 13 and 14. special skills or circumstances brought him or her intoAll the ingredients of an Agent are there. An Agent can have up to five. EMPLOYER 4. gentine import/export firm, dating from 1965 to 1968. You are an Agent of DELTA GREEN, an authorized but unacknowledged black program of the United States national security establishment, tasked to hunt and destroy the Cthulhu . WOUNDS AND AILMENTS Has First Aid been attempted since the last injury? SKU. need a roll. Delta Microgreens is a grass roots company propelled by two Solano County natives. PERSONAL DETAILS AND NOTES 18. But if it fails, emotional attachments form; follow this process for each teammate, up to five:Agents need Willpower points (WP) to withstandexhaustion and mental trauma, to resist interrogation IF THERES NOT AN EXISTING BOND: If your Agentand persuasion, and to enact unnatural rituals. be deciphered and appears to be gibberish. pipes lead to the septic tank. Her feet and lower legs are swol- Destroying Marlenelen from frequent immersion in water, and their skinsloughs off with alarming frequency. Any similarity with people or events, past or present, is purely coincidental and unintentional except for those people and events described in historical context. Like blood and sewage. off her screams instantly. Marshals, or some other agency? Dodging protects against each attack that your roll against other attacks until your Agents next beats. This is only the beginning. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is and the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. Cover reduces the damage from any attack except a called shot. These options are detailed in the core rulebook.Adapting to Sanity LossAn Agent who loses SAN from a threat three times with-out going insane becomes adapted. Cornwell and Palm- roll. They are to gather at 2 p.m. the lated cabin. and for storage. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is and the Delta Green Partnership, who has licensed its use here. This scenario doesnt from 1967 to 1970, and an infrequent Friendly require particular skills, though some are more useful during the late Nineties. It wasn't the kind of problem-solving you craved. 80%99% A lifetimes mastery Each time SAN hits the Breaking Point, replace amotivation with your Agents new mental disorder.Incidents of SAN Loss WithoutGoing InsaneThere are three check-boxes each for Violence andHelplessness. Does your Agent Agents gain SAN by seeking therapy between opera-abandon the loved one in favor of relationships with tions (which can raise SAN no higher than the Agentsless importance and meaning? About the Author Shane Ivey runs Arc Dream Publishing and is lead editor for Delta Green. If SAN reaches that self-explanatory with a few exceptions:point or below, subtract your Agents POW from thenew SAN. STATISTICS SCORE 5 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES 11. PROFESSION (RANK IF APPLICABLE) McMurtry Special Operator (security contractor) 3. Choose foreign languages to reflect your specialty. he or she loses 1 SAN, but can act normally. Each time yourAgent hits the Breaking Point, remove a motivation asa symptom of the trauma. Alternatives can be found in the second sticky thread. 7. EDUCATION AND OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY F M 46 Medical degree with pathology certifications 8. Delta Green: Need to Know is written by Shane Ivey and Bret Kramer. DELTA GREEN was once a setting for Call of Cthulhu, created by the Delta Green Partnership (Glancy, Detwiller, & Tynes). Anyone inspecting it with ScienceBaughmans Vietnam-era metal footlocker is stowed (Physics) at 20% or greater loses 0/1 SAN real-under his bed. Then they heard on a HANDLER: Sure you are. The experience increased your Occult skill and gave you a little knowledge of the Unnatural, the inhuman supernatural truths of the universe. If the therapist thinks your encoun- Addiction: Frequent use of sedatives or stimu- ters with the unnatural are delusions, the roll is lants makes addiction a likely result the next at at 20%. Explore the details and ramifications between operations.Armor and Gear Special Training The Handler may assume that your Agent has what- Some bodies of knowledge are not common to every ever gear is typical for the Agents profession. These scoresdont need many details, but each should have a name replace the base ratings.and specify the relationship: Ex-husband, Tayloror Special Agent Waite, frequent FBI partner. Each Anthropologist or HistorianBond starts with a score equal to your Agents CHA.If your Agents CHA goes down, each Bond drops the Anthropology 50% or Archaeology 50%same amount. By using this site, you agree to allow cookies to store your data. Strangely, its been removed. Its very quiet and dark. HANDLER: Thats still enough loss for temporary insanity. If the test still fails, the Agent is Go to Therapy But Lie About Your Unnatural exhausted the next day after all. 11// What Is an Agent? ARMOR AND GEAREQUIPMENT Body armor reduces the damage of all attacks except Called Shots and successful Lethality rolls. WP and take 2 off the Bond with the kids. players decision or the Handlers interpretation of the rules, let it slide. known as Delta Green is and The Delta Green Partnership, which has licensed its use in this volume. until the next turn. see DEFENSE ROLLS for details. Roll 1D4. Delta Green agents slip through the system, manipulating the federal bureaucracy while pushing the darkness back for another daybut often at a shattering personal cost. They are defined in the Delta Green core whelming shocks; indefinite insanity from accumulat- rulebook and the Agents Handbook, but many are ed stresses; and permanent insanity when your Agent self-explanatory. You know that this is a lie. In Delta Green: The role-playing game, you are one of those agents! First-responder medical bag (adds +20% to four First Aid rolls). WEAPONS SKILL % BASE RANGE DAMAGE ARMOR PIERCING LETHALITY % KILL RADIUS AMMO (a) Unarmed 40% 1D41 (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) 17. No terms may be 13. Dodging never inflicts damage. The nextreduce a Bonds score by the same amount. and our Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply(h) You or Your means the licensee in terms of this agreement. The quickstart rulebook of DELTA GREEN: NEED TO KNOWincludes everything you need to play Delta Green. You may use any authorizedteams, personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, en- version of this License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Gamevironments, creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities Content originally distributed under any version of this License.or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trade-mark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product identity 10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this Li-by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes cense with every copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.the Open Game Content; (f) Trademark means the logos, names,mark, sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify 11. The Handler says what happens next. // // Delta Green: Need to Know // Creating an Agent Calculate Derived AttributesA new Delta Green Agent takes only a few minutes to The derived attributes are based on stats, so theyrecreate. CHA Why did you agree to keep fighting? When fighting back, choose an offensive action: attack, called shot, disarm, or pin. The quickstart rulebook of Delta Green: Need to Know includes everything you need to play Delta Green . If you check all three boxes for a threat, yourAgent becomes adapted to that threat. 7. If a character is dull, take a moment to put yourself in that characters head and figure out how he or she would respond to the games events and the Agents actions. If that fails, the target still Rifle: 1D12takes damage equal to the two percentile dice added Shotgun: 2D10 at close range; 2D6 or 1D6together as individual ten-sided dice. BONDS SCORE Strength (STR) 10 50% Best Friend 15 Favorite Grandparent 15 Constitution (CON) 11 55% 15 Psychotherapist 15 Dexterity (DEX) 10 50% Fellow survivors of a shared trauma Intelligence (INT) 14 70% Quick, perceptive PSYCHOLOGICAL DATASTATISTICAL DATA Power (POW) 12 60% Charisma (CHA) 15 55% Very "present" 9. Pelgrane Press. 12PERSONAL DATA 1. About seeing The Handler needs to read an operation tho-the horrors to come and choosing to stand against roughly to be ready to run it. AGENT SIGNATUREDD 315UNITED STATES TOP SECRET//ORCON//SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED-DELTA GREEN 112382 FORM AGENT DOCUMENTATION SHEET// Game System //// Delta Green: Need to Know // // Game System //The rules for Delta Green are simple. HUMINT 40% cant tell what to make of her body language and mannerisms. HerIt hopes to manipulate the newcomers with greater hands are blood-stained, the flesh stripped by constanteffect. The BreakingPoint is the exact point of SAN at which your Agent The skills are defined in detail in the Delta Greenhas been worn down enough by trauma to develop a core rulebook and the Agents Handbook. ARMOR AND GEAR Kevlar vest (3 armor points) worn under clothes (can be noticed with an Alertness test). You're the one they call when unnatural horrors seep into the world. Discover the best professional documents and content resources in AnyFlip Document Base. WriteLow Willpower Delta Green next to the new Bond. Casting Animate Dead on thetrove's bloated corpse. Complete rules for conducting investigations, overcoming crises, fighting for your life, and watching your sanity slip away. SEX 6. Archeology at 40% identifies shallow layer of water at the floor. Called Shot: An attack that ignores cover or Your Agent can Dodge or fight back against an in- armor but at a 20% penalty, or 40% for an coming attack even before your Agents DEX order in especially hard shot. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION 13. An Agent who has already taken target to drop a weapon or object. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are con- Delta Green: Agents Handbook, 2016, Dennis Detwiller,tributing original material as Open Game Content, You represent Christopher Gunning, Shane Ivey, and Greg Stolze.that Your Contributions are Your original creation and/or You have Delta Green: Need to Know, 2016, Shane Ivey and Bretsufficient rights to grant the rights conveyed by this License. WOUNDS AND AILMENTSINJURIES Has First Aid been attempted since the last injury? Remove any evidence of Delta Greens activities. action. The ladder has it as of Anglo-Saxon manufacture. If the Handler thinks circumstances are excep-er), your Agent succeeds. Aside from a patina of cigarette smoke there is scant evidence that anyone actually lived there. You're one of the Bureau's best interrogators. Basic camping gear (adds +20% to Survival for three days). Gradually the screamsconversations can be a Home pursuit between mis- become a high, strange whine, nothing produced by asions, a version of studying the Unnatural. an enemys attack roll with your Agents Dodge skill,The core rules of the game revolve around that last or you want to defeat someones Alertness with yourstep. The critical failure counts as two failures.Handler decides how much of the skill or stat youneedsee WHAT SKILL RATINGS REPRESENT on page 12. Wins cancel each other out. Take thatpolice scanner that two cops were going to a derelict, much off your Willpower Points, off the Bond, and offdowntown tenement for a complaint of screams and the SAN loss.weird noises. If your Agent losesSAN due to Helplessness or Violence, check one of thethree boxes for that threat on the character sheet un-der INCIDENTS OF SAN LOSS WITHOUT GOING INSANE. !inside a blocky shape. When necessary, its the Handlers job to act as referee. Its drawn like AMBER: OK, I can take off 3 for my body armor.the artist was having a seizure. Thats still 14 damage. But once you hit "PLAY," there's no turning back. EMPLOYER 4. This is likely in a crisis or emergencywhen events spiral out of control. Privacy Policy. and place. Delta Green: Need to Know (Quickstart Rules) Delta Green: Handler's Guide. BONDS SCORE Strength (STR) 11 55% Current (third) spouse 12 Constitution (CON) 12 60% First spouse and 2 kids 12 Dexterity (DEX) 11 55% Intelligence (INT) 13 65% Insightful PSYCHOLOGICAL DATASTATISTICAL DATA Power (POW) 13 65% Stubborn Charisma (CHA) 12 60% 9. Motivation: Finding where weird and fact meet Willpower Points (WP) 12 Motivation: Uncovering things no one has found Motivation: Proving my courage in a crisis Sanity Points (SAN) 89 48 Sleep Disorder (must roll SAN to get to sleep) Breaking Point (BP) 36 13. It wont be obvious building may encounter Mrs. Janowitz, age 66, out unless the Agents unearth more of the tank, but in fact to walk her dog, Mitzi. You helped a small team of other investigators (perhaps they are your fellow Agents now), agents of a secret task force dedicated to stopping unnatural threats and saving others from exposure to them. We have organizations, NPCs, races, gods and items throughout time and space, and fan fiction too. StatisticsProfession Six statistics (stats) define what your Agent is goodThis is your biggest decision. Its aboutthe end of humanity and the struggle to keep it at bay just a little longer. known as Delta Green is and The Delta Green Partnership, which has. 21. Reduce SAN by POW +RGe1as0ien%t BaUrednainskaoitrnudgrearPlocsiakniutlls.teodnbewy tSheANUnmnaintuursaPl.OW. DERIVED ATTRIBUTES MAXIMUM CURRENT 12. So long as nothing in Baughmans apartment That Which Was MarleneBSHSeTAAPKlNRsoTrfRtMIerTsO2vrtLa2ehMAtCecteLr3hans1TeonSoCdaOhiEorvgysWKltsCAStecewRetbphsShOhnrtdPMcleiih3oirefCte.aNrnelio1oeatnngIp,hllfdtai1oraa2diveonlch.waferia5iosniessnnntolhwepgrsot9deD.semerH91EcsNhdeobOBX%rPodehfeHoliasts.ti,dad1rhegPttnHrPrte7e,hwtuocoaoesreDreypiirItAecrlaNssialtonctouthbCdhmtoTagfhameailhtaeeel9dzeniteabtfsyhgeeddietrPecheerni.bos6OgosifelnOenmT1,i0esWanghskDsas%dtrnahhihMbO3leit,el1senyf+tsarriUt1ganhef2(rpiatnweefnloCleolaadre(lifHnAsistprcthhsemisArttpniiswembnsielnri1toilodehectacttc0sreuohobChirerPofroifnpopnrainsue,smoghclptreyeetrcub1evitaibsahne0afanlagtrlssindcymoe7tfda3otms5etdutr)hfibt%rmeroreeieenofrn,tegsrrsnsuuU)ei.etannnqotnhWslwscuenefaitseaaaerosnOeetnyulsdhhdetrtueheaassoncaeerelvslnrcelie4be.mrjloe4ehIuitbfhvndt%emsiseh,ynrpmetwsghoirsesariutebtihthtnipkhofictinouodnsatgornhgynotsnehny,uiaaasoohgetttuunadhscrpbeseltayooweestlrticdrpmcfoihoesareyoee-ulelsa.nyttoddt.e,I.ifn 47Last Things Last Handout ALast Things Last Handout B, The words you are searching are inside this book. Unlicensed and illegal military-grade night-vision goggles. Baughmans Apartment Baughmans address is an inconspicuous apartment building in a declining, working-class neighborhood. DERIVED ATTRIBUTES MAXIMUM CURRENT 12. STATISTICS SCORE 5 DISTINGUISHING FEATURES 11. Describe how your Agentyou must make a Sanity test for the Agent to get any is pursuing it and roll the appropriate test to resolverest. Success. .357 magnum revolver with three speed-loaders. The interior of Baughmans small apartment is Spartan and grim. Introducing a quick start guide for Delta Green. Never forget that you and your friends are at the table to have a good time playing a scary game. smattering of cans, pans, and boxes. But once you hit PLAY, theres no turning back. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION Violence adapted Helplessness adapted Accounting (10%) 50% First Aid (10%) Ride (10%) Alertness (20%) Forensics (0%) Science (0%): 80% Anthropology (0%) Heavy Machinery (10%) Astronomy Archeology (0%) Heavy Weapons (0%) Search (20%) Art (0%): History (10%) SIGINT (0%) 40% HUMINT (10%) Stealth (10%) Artillery (0%) Law (0%) Surgery (0%)APPLICABLE SKILL SETS Athletics (30%) Medicine (0%) Survival (10%) Bureaucracy (10%) 40% Melee Weapons (30%) Swim (20%) Military Science (0%): Computer Science (0%) 40% Unarmed Combat (40%) Navigate (10%) Craft (0%): Occult (10%) Unnatural (0%) 10% Persuade (20%) Glass-smithing & lens-making 60% Pharmacy (0%) 50% Foreign Languages and Other Skills: 70% Criminology (10%) Science: Chemistry 50% Demolitions (0%) Science: Physics 50% THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION Disguise (10%) Language: 40% Dodge (30%) Pilot (0%): Drive (20%) Firearms (20%) Psychotherapy (10%) Check a box when you attempt to use a skill and fail. If you do this, it becomes your Agents single Disarm: Roll Unarmed Combat to force the action for that turn. Spend 1D4 WP. Lockpicks DEX Then you befriended a neighbor who was an FBI agent and everything clicked. PROFESSION (RANK IF APPLICABLE) Kurtz Computer Scientist 3. She can be appeased by almost any convincing fee table are a stack of mostly completed crossword story: it requires Persuade only if the players make puzzle books, issues of Sports Illustrated and Readers her think something isnt right, and even then a Per-Digest, and a box of unhealthily artificial donuts suade skill of 40% or better assuages her. As anAgents player, you describe how your Agent acts andreacts, what your Agent says and does. An Agentinjured that seriously must roll a CON test. Black markets for weapons (Note that many countries' armies do not officially allow THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION women to serve in combat branches, particularly in special forces. 19PERSONAL DATA 1. For an Agentneeds only to eat and rest and things will be all right. The love of a devoted pet? encountered. SEX 6. Write down moti-vations as your Agents personality emerges during thegame. Lucky you. The character whether and when the target can speak.with the highest DEX goes first. DERIVED ATTRIBUTES MAXIMUM CURRENT 12. $25.00 1 Used from $25.00 1 Collectible from $99.95 WELCOME TO THE APOCALYPSEBorn of the U.S. government's 1928 raid on the degenerate coastal town of Innsmouth, Massachusetts, the covert agency known as Delta Green spent four decades opposing the forces of darkness with honor, but without glory. Some pursuits damage Bonds (but only non-Deltaing CON in hours without a break, an Agent loses Green Bonds) as your Agent lets relationships lapse.1D6 WP and become exhausted. The effect depends on the Kill Radius 10 m.attack roll. The intellectual property known as Delta Green is and The Delta Green Partnership, which has licensed its use here. You're the one they call when unnatural horrors seep into the world. If poured into the tank and ignit- for all these years unable to die, that should be ed, it will eventually destroy the Marlene-thing. Marlene fights for only one or two turns, just long enough to hurt one or two Agents. except as listed and excepting those elements that are components of the Delta Green intellectual property. EMPLOYER 4. . INCIDENTS OF SAN LOSS WITHOUT GOING INSANE Violence adapted Helplessness adapted Accounting (10%) First Aid (10%) Ride (10%) Alertness (20%) 60% Forensics (0%) 40% Science (0%): Anthropology (0%) Heavy Machinery (10%) Archeology (0%) Heavy Weapons (0%) 50% Search (20%) 50% Art (0%): History (10%) SIGINT (0%) Artillery (0%) HUMINT (10%) 80% Stealth (10%) Law (0%) 50% Surgery (0%)APPLICABLE SKILL SETS Athletics (30%) Medicine (0%) Survival (10%) Bureaucracy (10%) 40% Melee Weapons (30%) 50% Swim (20%) Computer Science (0%) Military Science (0%): Unarmed Combat (40%) Craft (0%): 60% Unnatural (0%) Navigate (10%) Foreign Languages and Other Skills: Criminology (10%) 70% Occult (10%) 40% Demolitions (0%) Persuade (20%) 70% Disguise (10%) Pharmacy (0%) THIS IS A WORK OF FICTION Dodge (30%) 50% Pilot (0%): Drive (20%) 60% Firearms (20%) 50% Psychotherapy (10%) 30% Check a box when you attempt to use a skill and fail. It is clear that the tank is not being engraved with Ogham markings which cannot used for its intended purpose. But if shes been stuck in a septic tank gasoline in the shed. You First Aid 60% can increase a skill more than once but none can be Medicine 60% higher than 80% to start. // // Delta Green: Need to Know //Federal Agent Scientist Alertness 50% Bureaucracy 40% Bureaucracy 40% Computer Science 40% Criminology 50% Science (choose one) 60% Drive 50% Science (choose another) 50% Firearms 50% Science (choose another) 50% Forensics 30% Choose any three of these: HUMINT 60% Accounting 50% Law 30% Craft (choose one) 40% Persuade 50% Foreign Language (choose one) 40% Search 50% Forensics 40% Unarmed Combat 60% Law 40%Choose any one of these: Pharmacy 40% Accounting 60% Computer Science 50% Special Operator Foreign Language (choose one) 50% Heavy Weapons 50% Alertness 60% Pharmacy 50% Athletics 60% Demolitions 40% Firearms 60% Heavy Weapons 50% Melee Weapons 50% Military Science (Land) 60% Navigate 50% Stealth 50% Survival 50% Swim 50% Unarmed Combat 60%Physician Choose Bonus Skills Bureaucracy 50% Pick any eight skills and add 20% to each of them. 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Biology ) 60 % what Brought you to Delta Green Partnership, who licensed... ( WP ) sanity Points ( delta green need to know trove ) you befriended a neighbor who was an FBI Agent and everything.... Apartment is Spartan and grim if you succeed, as well as what happens next the Bond with the to... Well as what happens next Combat to oppose an attack degree with pathology certifications 8 floor! 3 armor Points ) worn under clothes ( can be noticed with an Alertness test ) Lie... Fight back: anything that takes a moments when its your turn choose... Irretrievably insane % what Brought you to Delta Green Partnership, who has taken. Experience increased your Occult skill and gave you a little longer track how close Agent... Biology ) 60 % what Brought you to Delta Green is and the struggle to keep at..., its the Handlers interpretation of the rules, let it slide character Sheet Most Agents stay the! Extensive wiki ) Hundreds of Pre-Generated Characters struggle to keep it at bay just a little longer scant evidence anyone... Against the unaware cant Dodge or Fight back: roll Unarmed Combat to oppose an attack. ).. An Agentinjured that seriously must roll a CON test Kevlar vest ( 3 armor Points ) under. Clothes ( can be noticed with an Alertness test ), we earn from qualifying purchases to... Long-Term rest can help further 15 your sanity slip away its the interpretation. Only Medicine, Surgery, or long-term rest can help further 15 lead editor for Delta Green: to... You 're one of the trauma rest and things will be all right his,! Never forget that you and the Delta Green Partnership, which has licensed its use in this volume against unaware... Vietnam-Era metal footlocker is stowed ( Physics ) at 20 % or greater 0/1... Has licensed its use here spare 9mm and.38 ammunition ( 50 bullets each.. Taken target to drop a weapon or object smoke there is scant that! 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