the fireside chat transcript bernardo

Four days later, Paul was arrested. And I also read she had a few girlfriends in prison, at least. But living under the same roof would change everything. Reportedly, Karlas response to him was: That would be cool. Eager to impress her older and more experienced boyfriend, Karla produced a set of handcuffs and suggested that Paul use them on her. I even read that a prison girlfriend of hers was really disturbed about how Karla ordered her to tie her up and hurt her/play "sex games" with her. Karlas immediate rush to clean up seems like an obvious attempt at destroying evidence, but it was likely also associated with Karla's need to absolve herself of the guilt she was feeling for killing her sister. It was hard to decide which was worse when he ignored her with cold indifference or when he berated her for the slightest infraction. On December 27th, 28 year old Paul beat Karla with a flashlight, hitting her in the face over and over. Register with EverydayFamily TODAY and you will get stage by stage pregnancy and baby newsletters, promotions and coupon alerts as well as free baby samples, coupons, baby magazines & more.All New Members are Enrolled to Win Free Diapers for a Year! The couple stopped at a hardware store to pick up some concrete mix. A quick weigh in here-I just wanted to say that I've had the misfortune of knowing sociopaths/psychopaths my whole life. So they had no choice. At any rate, no one suspected foul play. Because of Tammys age, and the fact that she probably wasnt accustomed to drinking alcohol (only on special occasions), nobody seemed concerned when she began slurring her speech and claimed that she was seeing double. karla and paul were the subject of a show called "twisted" on investigation discovery this evening. The police didn't know what it was (they thought it was Kristen French at that time), but Karla knew she soon confessed to her lawyer that the memory came to her in a dream. Playing mommy is just another show this woman is putting on. She might have seen his face, he said, or remember his car. My opinion is that she is just as bad as Paul but different. Leslie was a girl with a troubled home life and a habit of sneaking out. Although Karla was willing to do just about anything to please Paul, a sexually-experienced teen wasnt quite what he was looking for. They looked just like Barbie and Ken. We don't know the girl's name, so we'll call her Natasha. It was pretty messed up, and I want to read more, and try to understand their thought processes. What do you think? It's comments like this one which encourage me to keep the information flowing even when I'd rather not. I, too, have often wondered what is so wrong with Thierry that he decided to settle with Homolka. Peering into cases like this one with a magnifying glass can be emotionally draining, but I believe that the more we know about people like Karla Homolka can only make our society safer.If nobody talks about it, it's almost as though it doesn't exist. Paul was handsome, charming, educated, and career-oriented precisely the kind of man that she had been dreaming about; the kind who could give her the story book ending she had always pictured for herself. Well, except for the video they made. Paul is a worthless creature on this planet, I get a kick out of people mentioning he suffers in a warm small cell with three square meals a day, I say the victims family decides his living conditions, including the exact same torture and violent environment those poor very young girls endured, game on Bernardo, I would love to witness the fear in his eyes. And as far as I'm concerned Karla and Paul are just as sick and messed up.7) If you saw Karla out on the streets what would you do?8) If someone dared you to write a letter to Paul Bernardo in prison or to Karla if you came across her diaper business address for instance, would you? as the "Fireside Chat" tape at Bernardo's trial in the summer of 1995, where it was played in public. She later recalled. The transcripts offer a chilling journey through the mind of a woman who initially portrayed herself as a cowering victim of spousal abuse. The better part of her prison term was served in comparative comfort at a rehab-oriented womens facility in Joliette, Quebec. I thought you can't travel out of the country if you're a convicted criminal. So with a helpless young victim under his roof, he enjoyed his free reign. Diminished alertness, dulled sensory functions and bewilderment are all common symptoms of the first phase of rape trauma syndrome coined by therapists Ann(e) Walbert Burgess and Linda Lytle Holstrom in 1974. and Paul's basically like "Great idea! The skin around her mouth was tinged pink. Paul forced Kristen to say that she loved him. Paul and Karla made a frantic attempt to clear Tammy's airways, but it was no use. Wanting to appear truthful, he made an effort to look the officers directly in the eyes, kept his legs still and held his hands together so they wouldn't shake. Or was she just so into sadomasochism and was such a promiscuous chick that she would have had sex with anyone. When Detective Weeks notice Karla doing laundry, he thought Karla's behavior odd but hardly criminal. Sixty days into the "First Hundred Days" Roosevelt updates the nation on the progress of the special session of Congress that he called on March 5th. They are all sick, deranged pieces of shit. It's entirely possible that she wants to bee seen -- from afar, anyway. So selfish she had kids. Psychopaths don't have empathy, they do not feel remorse when they do bad things. I never doubted for a minute that she'd become a mother; it's all part of her plan. On the outside, Karla Homolka and Paul Bernardo appeared to be a perfect couplebut they held a dark secret: Pauls sadistic aggressions were seemingly unstoppable, spurred on by Karlas compliance. After reading a lot of tips on how to restore my relationship in a more better way i discovered that Dr.happy has a lot of recommendation than other spell casters, So with this i had my mind made up that Dr.happy was the right person for the job, And i contacted Dr.happy through his details which i saw on the internet and i was so happy that i chose to work with Dr.happy because his work was 100% perfect and the spell brought my lover back to me with fast relief you can also contact him for help now email.. +2348133873774, Hello my name is Linda i want to share my amazing experience with the greatest spell caster Dr irekenagba. From many of the serial killers out there, this one seems to stand out most for me.. So late in the spring of 1992, when Paul ordered that Karla help him hunt Virgin girls, she felt compelled to comply. So in the afternoon of April 19th, Paul raped an electrical cord around Kristen's neck and strangled her to death. Be warned. Er kam spt von der Arbeit nach Hause, kmmert sich nicht mehr um mich oder die Kinder, manchmal geht er aus und kommt fr 2-3 Tage nicht einmal nach Hause. She went from trying to emulate 1980's Polo wearing, big muff sporting (referring to hairstyle lol) yuppie lifestyle while torturing & murdering young girls to "I'm a granola mom now who's whole life revolves around baby shit & how to make a living from it.". Can they help prevent their behavior like this?6) Do you think the act of murder turned them on and made them orgasm etc? And did everything he said because of this or was as I suggested, possibly just a skilled manipulator?4) If Karla was completely heterosexual than why was it her who suggested for her and Paul to keep sex slaves? Do you think people's perceptions were altered because she was pretty? Incredible feat spotlights mind blowing achievements of everyone from world class athletes and record breakers to scientists, architects, artists and more such incredible feats and follow free on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. For the next several hours, he and Karla raped the teenager together. And I hope the disgusting naked pics of Karla stay up. They came across the concrete blocks, have submerged in mud at the lake's edge. The Transcript For Paul Bernardo And Karla Homolka's Video Tapes By brandedforcarnage 6 March 2021 No Comments These tapes were to be played on two 30-inch video monitors at the front of the gallery, one on each side of the courtroom. He instructed his fiancee to prepare drinks for them to enjoy over a friendly chat. Does anyone know when she started seeing her attorneys brother? Do you think Karla is a full-blown psychopath? If you're organizing a fireside chat, here are 6 tips to help you nail it: Create an informal setting. Then, when police rang Paul's doorbell on May 12th, 1992, with few leads in Kristen's murder. Now she passed out on a blanket between Paul and Karla. Now that she's more mature, the "in" thing to do is to be a doting mom. When Paul returned, Kristen and his wife were waiting for him, one completely at his mercy, the other under his thumb. But some of us know she cannot change even if she goes to Church nowadays. She obviously trimmed considerably whereas most women from that era had a very full hairy delta. The only thing that Karla brought to the attention of police was Paul's assault on HER; the one that left her black and blue. Seitdem hat sich alles wieder normalisiert. I am also confident that she killed Kristen, but am unsure about Leslie -- it could have been either of them. Yuck that's horrifying. A newspaper reporter for CBS News coined it, and from then on, these speeches . If she's living in Quebec people need to do something about it. Karlas sister, Lori, ran upstairs. It's clear that this sadistic pleasure was a strong driving factor in Paul's life. He beat her and threatened to tell Karla's parents and the police that she murdered her sister on her own, wielding the threat like a weapon, Paul insisted Karla find new ways to please him sexually. Also Logan has pics of herself, husband & 3 kids all over MySpace. It is a well-known fact that Illuminati consist of Multi Millionaires,Billionaires who have major influence regarding most global affairs,including the planning of a New World Order. I think the system pretended to be "mystified" by Homolka in the hopes that Canadians would be more accepting of the way she was dealt with. They refer to themselves as "V Dogs". I make $20 for completing a 20 minute survey!Guess what? He also uses the fireside chat as a platform to push forward proposed bills that Congress had yet to act upon. Karla's address in the tropics is quite easy to come by online, however, if someone were so inclined. Franklin D. Roosevelt. Trying to find the Best Dating Website? Ich habe ihn kontaktiert und er hat mich verzaubert. So she stayed. Next time he might not stop. I'm a fan!Cheers! However, I could be wrong. Her children are human shields. I'm not sure that would shame her, Anon. Sunday, March 12, 1933 [13 mins:42 secs.] There was no one Paul couldn't fool. Aren't the pics of the baby posing with a beer just great? Shortly after her release, she legally applied to change her name but her request was denied. People with integrity, strength and intelligence see her for the puny, weasely piece of shit that she is. She rushed out as soon as her father arrived, leaving all her things behind, relieved to escape. I completely agree with you Kitty on the fact that they didnt look dangerous at all. His girlfriend, 20 year old Karla Homolka, was ignoring his orders and he wasn't happy about it. In the time leading up to and during Bernardo's trial, this case was all anyone could talk/think about. I think Karla viewed it as a power trip -- taking down anyone who stood between her and Bernardo.7) If I saw Karla, I'd snap a picture. Once Paul and Karla returned to Canada, their relationship changed over the next few months. April 28, 1942. The first one they made was. Coincidence?2) Karla's living sister, Logan, also has 3 children. Unfortunately for the Homolkas and so many others, Paul Kenneth Bernardo was not all that he appeared to be. Please note, Vanessa is not a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist, but she has done a lot of research for this show. )3) Do you think Karla was frightened of Paul? The sad part about all of this is she is living amongst us with 3 children,while the other families are without their children.I do think by law she should have never been allowed to have children of her own,not only for what she did(especially being the mastermind behind all that was done)AND THEN SERVING ONLY 12 YEARS IN PRISON.Does the justice system have any sympathy for the other families.i guess NOT.Will it be her paying for what she did?No it will be her children.Hopefully she will be soon out of Chateauguay and the system take her 3 children from her so they can live a normal life somewhere without the DEVIL. There's no escape for that bitch and that's the way it should be. Reportedly, Karla's response to him was: "That would be cool." Do you think she manipulated Paul into everything and led him to believe that he was the one in control?2) Do you think Karla was the true killer of the girls? If you did that you would get more time than she got for three murders and yes, murders,if you participate in murder you are just as guilty. It was the same way in prison: she took a lover in prison, used her for protection and money, then dropped her like a hot potato after she was transferred to the mens' prison (where she met Gerbet).5) According to the scientific literature, "psychopathy" cannot be helped. )In my own opinion, I think it's entirely possible that she intended to kill Tammy. What a strange world we live in. IMO her having kids was cruel to her victims families, to society & to her children. She show no respect for us, hiding under Another name, playing the good mother rle. That's idiotic. Apparently Karla said "We should go get girls and bring them back home to keep as sex slaves." Sure, he'd fooled them again. So while it's true they acted together, it's possible Karla felt trapped in her abusive marriage and that she feared Paul would kill her if she didn't follow his orders. In the end, I don't think it matters much who technically stopped the girls' breath; Karla could have put an end to all of it, and she chose not to. Wow! It was hard to not hear about this case, it was so pervasive: an entire generation's hopes and dreams for the "perfect" future shot to hell in one fell swoop. They are going to wind up in the second death or what the Bible calls the lake of fire and brimstone and I'm convinced of that fact. Hi.. very good reading but can you please take that disgusting pictureof Karla in bondage good grief.We know she is a vile , disgusting, worthless peice of trash. After answering questions for an hour, Paul saw the detectives out with a smile. When at last, Paul was done taking pleasure in Leslie's pain, he left the poor girl bloodied and bruised on the floor. Wir waren glcklich verheiratet und hatten zwei Kinder, einen Jungen und ein Mdchen. April 28, 1935: Fireside Chat 7: On the Works Relief Program and Social Security Act audio icon transcript icon. 2021 JP MORGAN NESTL CEO FIRESIDE CHAT TRANSCRIPT 25th May, 2021 Speakers: Mark Schneider, Chief Executive Officer, Nestl S.A. Cline Pannuti, Head European Consumer Staples and Beverages, J P Morgan This transcript may have been edited for clarity, and the spoken version is the valid record. These innocent and lovely girls will be brought back to life and they will have the great privilege of live in a wonderful and sane new world with no criminals, sadists or mentally disabled persons. Karla was determined to leave. No matter what it is that she is doing (raping, murdering, lying, mothering) she sets out to be the very best. If anything ever happened to her children she would cry "victim" even louder than she already is, even though we all know it would be karma/ justice. And thus, maybe they were biased?5) And did you hear that Karla had lied about raping Jane Doe? Me thinks Karlas sister 'Logan' don't like those nudies of big sis. Unfortunately, Karla had no idea what she was doing when she mixed her sister's drink. And now he watched as investigators relaxed in his presence, seemingly more comfortable knowing he was a happily married man with a beautiful wife. and she gave society and her own family the perfect oppurtunity to turn their back on her forever, leaving her lonely and isolated from the world like she should be. On February 13th, she agreed to a plea bargain in exchange for her testimony against Paul, she would accept a 10 year prison sentence for manslaughter. Today, we're exploring the crimes of Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka, also known as the Ken and Barbie killers. Also, I also read some stuff that stunned me: apparently there's multiple sex tapes out there with surprisingly just Karla and women and no Paul. The sets were on 6-foot-high platforms that were discreetly sheathed in a somber black cloth. In addition to debilitating narcissism and being psychopaths I'm sure. This is exactly what major companies are paying for. Marriage and children were always high on Karla's list of priorities; even while she was actively playing the role of 1/2 of a rape and murder machine, she fully expected to become a mother one day. Not because she's so smart, beautiful, mesmerizing, etc. But in reality, things were worse than ever. When Homolka applied for parole, her ongoing relationship with Gerbet was listed as one of the reasons that her request was denied: You have secretly undertaken an emotional relationship with another inmate, and evidence gathered seems to indicate that this relationship rapidly became sexual," the panel stated. Within a year, she got the name change she desired when she married Thierry Bordelais, a French/Canadian citizen believed to be a relative of Karlas lawyer, Sylvie Bordelais. Paul and Karla breathed a sigh of relief when the investigation came to a close. But it's likely Paul's reasoning was more sinister. While undergoing psychiatric evaluation before her trial, Karla wrote the following letter to Karel, Dorothy, and Lori Homolka on April 13, 1993: Karla allowed Paul to drug and rape Tammy Lyn, who unintentionally died as a direct result. "A: She married her lawyer's brother, which undoubtedly made it easier for her to navigate the legal path to Guadeloupe (where the Bordelais family hails from). So when Paul proposed, she gave an unequivocal yes. Its amazing to me how so many people have had the opportunity to beat this bitch to a pulp, some even at her urging during sex! My opinion is that she is just as bad as Paul but different. He forced Kristen toward the car and ordered her to get in. That said, it's clear that Karla made no efforts to stop Paul from killing their victims. She'd happily fed Tammy a cocktail laced with strong sedatives. Kristen fought back, but Paul was taller than her and much stronger. Depicted in the media as another Paul Bernardo, Gerbet was convicted of strangling his girlfriend, Cathy Caretta, in a jealous rage. E3034 FDR Fireside Chat 2 government. This is the same person who put a photo of herself & Paul smiling & waving in her sister Tammy's coffin at her funeral after they raped & murdered her. I'm here with my co-host, Vanessa Richardson. Karla Homolka 'Haunted' by Victim on BabyCenter, Dissecting Karla Homolka Astrologically, From Homolka to McClintic: Explaining the Inexplicable, Magnotta: "I am not dating Karla Homolka", Magnotta: "My life is in danger and I need your help. By the summer of 1991, 26 year old Paul Bernardo was coiled and ready to strike. Society has been asked to accept that the whole 3 dead girls thing was just a silly phase she went through when she was young, and that she is all better now. Paul claimed that Karla then gave the young girl a lethal dose. For someone who's always been obsessed with her appearance, I think it would be like a form of punishment.8) I have no interest in writing to either of them; Paul is a ranting nutter, and Karla is a liar, so I don't really see much point in trying to pick either of their brains. Bondage in itself is fine, but in this case, it clearly shows the depravity inside this woman. Eventually, he spent three long days using and abusing Kristen with his wife, and when he was done, the young girl had to go. I am sure she has been bombarded with a million nasty emails and more then likely this is the reason she probably shut it down. She is pure evil and will get hers. And Karla is bisexual, as I can see (venus trigon uranus),_Karla,_Paul. Karla served every day of her own prison sentence: 10 years as stipulated in her original deal with the prosecution, plus an additional 2 years for her involvement in the death of Tammy Lyn Homolka (although she was never officially charged or convicted for her involvement in her sister's death). Fireside Chats (F. Roosevelt) Executive Orders (Beginning with J.Q. In them, the 24-year-old woman describes her interest. The last thing that Karla wanted was for Tammy to wake up while Paul was raping her. At one stage, when Kristen attempted to escape, Karla beat her with a rubber mallet. I was so happy and went to him, that was how we started living together happily again. The commotion woke Karla's family, who watched in horror as Tammy was carried out on a stretcher when her parents asked what had happened. When he'd rung the life of her, Paul and Karla roughly shaved Kristen's hair, then bathed her body to wash their DNA from her skin. 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the fireside chat transcript bernardo