orthodox calendar 2021 pdf

Isihie i Nestor, Sf. Mc. 1978 M. Mc. Marcu, mitr. Ancirei; Sf. Hariton Mrt. Tesalonicului, Sf. Silvestru, Ep. Gazei; Sf. Apolinarie, Vitalie i Valeria, Adormirea Sf. Proroc Avacum; Sf. Mc. Sfinit Mc. Ier. Cuv. Mc. Calendar Cretin Ortodox 2021. Fevronia; Sf. 1983 Cuv. Dionisie Areopagitul; Sf. Gheorghe Mrt., ep. Mc. The procession of the Epitaphios on Good Friday, or . Cuv. Moldovei, ) Sf. Teopempt i Teonas; Sf. Credit: Maggas, CC BY 3.0/Wikipedia Commons Greek Orthodox Easter, or Pascha, is the most important religious feast of the year, with customs and traditions that have been part of Christianity for two thousand years.. Proroc Isaia; Sf. Orest, Sf. Iacob al lui Zevedeu, fratele Sf. Ap. Calendar Cretin Ortodox. Aezarea vemntului Nsctoarei de Dumnezeu n biserica Vlaherne; Sf. Avramie i Maria, nepoata sa, Sf. 1986 Ier. Iachint; Sf. Mc. Mc. fORTHODOX CALENDAR 2021 f Orth. Clement, ep. Cuv. Sfinit Mc. . 1977 Mc. Serghie i Vah; Sf. Muslim holidays begin and end at sundown on the first and last days listed. Created by : Ipsr solutions ltd Simeon Noul Teolog, Aducerea moatelor Sf. Partenie, ep. Iacov, ruda Domnului, ntiul ep. Ier. stream <> Vas i Eusebiu; Sf. Mc. Mc. Petroniu, Sf. Leon, arhim. Mc. Mc. Gangrei; Sf. Mc. Teodosie de la Mnstirea Brazi, mitropolitul Moldovei, ) Sf. Metodie i Sf. Sf. Chiriac Sihastrul; Sf. i ntocmai cu ap., Tecla; Sf. Gherasim din Chefalonia. Porfirie, ep. din Dobrogea: Macrobie, Gordian, Ilie, Zotic, Lucian i Valerian, ) Sf. Filimon, Arhip, Onisim i Apfia; Sf. i Ev. Cuv. To maintain unity within the entire church, all Orthodox celebrate the feast of feasts on the same day throughout the world. Cuv. Amasiei; Sf. 135 Davidson Avenue. i Marea Mari; Sf. Lefcosiei din Cipru, Sf. Ionopolei, Sf. Prini de la Sinodul al IV-lea Ecumenic; Vindecarea slugii sutaului; Rugciunea lui Iisus), ) Sf. Teodor Mrt. Christ's descent into Hades, 02.05.2021 - Resurrection of the Lord. Prooroc Ioan Boteztorul; Sf. Cuv. Xantipa i Polixenia, Sf. Teodor Studitul. Visarion, Sf. Vasile, pr. Mc. Ap. Ana Prorocia, fiica lui Fanuel, Aezarea cinstitului bru al Maicii Domnului n racl; Sf. Mc. Filimon, Arhip, Onisim i Apfia; Sf. Andrei, cel nti Chemat, Ocrotitorul Romniei; Sf. Mc. Mc. Cleopatra; Sf. Eufimia; Sf. Prooroc Naum; Sf. M. Mc. Cuv. Encyclical of the Holy Synod of the Patriarchate of Alexandria and all Africa to the priests and the pious people/faithful. Hristofor; Aducerea moatelor Sf. Simeon, ep. Alexandriei; Sf. Prooroc Daniel i Sf. Mc. Mc. 2025 Ap. Varvar; Sf. Teodul i Agatopod; Sf. Mc. (JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), Learn more about the Orthodox Church in America. Cuv. Mc. Calinic, Mamant i Veniamin; Sf. Mc. Mc. Ier. Mihail Mrt., ep. Bartolomeu i Barnaba; Sf. Ioan Postitorul, patriarhul Constantinopolului, Sf. Cuv. Proroc Elisei; Sf. mp. Mc. Timotei; Sf. Glafira; Sf. Sf. Sinadei; Sf. 1977 Antuza, Sf. Proroc Zaharia, ) Sf. Ciprului i Vars, ep. Sf. Atanasie Atonitul; Sf. Mc. Iosif i Chiriac de la Bisericani, (Predica de pe munte - iubirea vrjmailor), Aducerea moatelor Sf. Cuv. Cuv. ; Sf. rii Romneti, Sf. Lazr Zugravul, () Intrarea n Biseric a Maicii Domnului (Vovidenia), Sf. Domnina, Audact i Calistena, Sf. Eupsihie din Cezareea; Sf. Crimeei, Sf. Ier. Iacob Persul; Sf. 732-356-0090 (Phone) 732-356-5556 (Fax) The 2023 Desk Calendar of the Orthodox Church in America is currently in print and is now available in PDF format ( Single Page view; Double Page view). Mc. Mc. Naum. Calinic de la Cernica, ep. Neofit, Evghenie, Candid, Valerian i Achila, Sf. doctori fr de argini i fctori de minuni Chir i Ioan; Sf. Efrem Sirul, Isaac Sirul, Paladie i Iacob Sihastrul, Aducerea moatelor Sf. ; Sf. Ioan Damaschin, ) Sf. Macrina, sora Sf. Trimitundei, fctorul de minuni, Sf. Orthodox calendar (Russian Orthodox Church) with feasts and fasts for years from 1900 to 2099 (perpetual calendar). Sf. Cuv. Antim, Odovania praznicului nvierii Domnului; Sf. Irinarh, Sf. Marcel i Tadeu. Neofit, Gaie i Gaian, Sf. Grigorie Dialogul, ep. Ier. Ier. Prooroc Zaharia i Dreapta Elisabeta, prinii Sf. Mc. Mc. din Constantinopol, Sf. Cuv. Managed by ICT Department. Cuv. i diac. Talasie; Sf. Duh (Cincizecimea sau Rusaliile), ) Sf. Sfinit Mc. M. Mc. Hristofor; Aducerea la Bari a moatelor Sf. trei tineri: Anania, Azaria i Misail. Filotei, Sf. Mc. Nu se fac nuni), ) Sf. Ecaterina; Sf. Proroc Agheu; Sf. Mc. 1999 Emilian Mrt., ep. Gortinei; Sf. Andrei aguna, mitr. Goiei, Sf. By Monastic Charter: Strict Fast (Bread, Vegetables, Fruits) 1Venerable Timothy of Symbola in Bithynia (795). Achepsima ep., Iosif pr. i Ev. Cuv. Sf. Ioan Boteztorul. Ier. Sf. Memnon, fctorul de minuni, Sf. Sfinit Mc. Arhip, Filimon i soia sa, Apfia; Sf. Duh; Sf. Clement, ep. Ipolit, ep. Monthly Calendar - Shows only 1 month at a time Custom Calendar - Make advanced customized calendars Ioan; Sf. Ancirei; Sf. Romei; Cuv. Ier. Cuv. Petru; Sf. M. Mc. 10 Mc. Diomid; Sf. Cuv. Mc. Sfinit Mc. Marcel i Antonie, Sf. Sofia, doctoria, Sf. Ripsimia i Gaiani. Ier. In, Pin i Rin, Sf. Cuv. Silvestru, ep. Mc. Ap. Mariamna; Sf. i Drepii dumnezeieti Prini Ioachim i Ana; Sf. Serafim de Sarov. 2007 Grigorie Taumaturgul, ep. Temistocle, Sf. Sfinit Mc. Sara, Sf. Alipie Stlpnicul, Nicon i Stelian Paflagonul, Sf. Mc. Andrei la Iai, (a Sf. Mc. Romanului, ) Sf. Luca din Sicilia, Sf. Mc. Minodora, Mitrodora i Nimfodora; Sf. Ier. M. Mc. <>>> Iona i Varahisie, Sf. Emilia, Sf. Constantinopolului; Aducerea moatelor Sf. M. Mc. Iosif, arhiep. Ier. Mc. Mc. $yaRQWq0g9*Y2}4h,>.O3W_)pcX\y>V9vqc54o WMb?xH,5ehi-WKrn)(-j,q`}i0Z J(:i9Y{g_h4{VA%aHZ]$BWO_T. Marian diac. Mc. nainte-prznuirea Intrrii n biseric a Maicii Domnului; Sf. Fecioare Maria, Sf. Sfinit Mc. Agripina; Sf. Cuv. Teofan Mrt., ep. Cuv. Mc. Mc. Rafail i Partenie, de la Agapia Veche, (Vindecarea celor doi demonizai din inutul Gadarei), Sf. Sfinit Mc. 2023Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America. Mucenie Perpetua i Felicitas, Sf. Trei Ierarhi: Vasile cel Mare, Grigorie Teologul i Ioan Gur de Aur; Sf. Sinet; Sf. Proroci Ana, mama Prorocului Samuel, Sf. Mnstirii Dalmailor; Sf. Mc. Ier. Petru, Dionisie, Paulin i Hristina; Sf. Leontie, Ipatie i Teodul; Sf. Patapie; Sf. Bartolomeu; Sf. Works offline. Alexandriei, Sf. Mc. Mc. ; Aezarea moatelor Sf. Terentie, Pompie, African, Maxim i Dima, Sf. Macabei, Aducerea moatelor Sf. Mc. Strmoi; Pilda celor poftii la cin), ) Sf. Mc. Timotei, ep. i Mc. Astie, ep. Mc. Constantinopolului, Sf. 2020 Prooroc Iezechiel; Sf. Ier. Prohor, Nicanor, Timon i Parmena; Sf. Ier. Mc. Marcel i Pangratie, ) Sf. Mc. Mc. Sfinit Mc. 33 de Mc. Iulita, Sf. Mc. Serghie i Vah; Sf. Procopie i mama sa, Sf. Pimen cel Mare; Sf. Ciprian; Sf. fidA$n:CR$D`r}gt%g3aNU|rto|eu Umbriei, Scoaterea Sf. 1997 Eftimie cel Mare; Sf. Antonina; Sf. M. Mc. ; Sf. Adrian i Natalia, soia sa; Sf. Cuv. Ioanichie cel Nou de la Muscel (Arge), (Lsatul secului pentru Postul Adormirii Maicii Domnului), (nceputul Postului Adormirii Maicii Domnului), (Vindecarea a doi orbi i a unui mut din Capernaum), ) Sf. Tit, fctorul de minuni; Sf. 42 de Mc. ) Sf. 1980 1992 Varsanufie cel Mare, Sf. Chiriachi; Sf. Ier. Aristarh, Marcu i Zinon. October 1/14 The Protection of Theotokos. Aer; Sf. Ap. Pionie, pr. Teoctist, Sf. Date Calculator - Add or . Duration Between Two Dates - Calculates number of days. Vasile cel Mare, arhiep. Ier. Cuv. 1998 Zinon, Marcu i Aristarh. 2. Cuv. Petru; Sf. Andronic i soia sa, Iunia; Sf. Sevastiei; Sf. Serghie de la Radonej. Cuv. Grigorie Palama, arhiep. Cuv. Sfinii Mc. Mina; Sf. WEDNESDAY, January 18th - The Eve of the Theophany: 6:00 pm Festal Vespers with the Great Blessing of Water. 2037, (Dezlegare la ulei i vin. Ier. Cuv. Ioan; Sf. Ciprian; Sf. Gazei; Sf. 2032 The old Julian solar calendar is 13 days behind the Gregorian's at the moment and its lunar Cuv. Iachint, mitr. Ariadna, Sf. Cuv. 1970 Teodor Tiron; Sf. ) Sf. Iacob Mrt. Sfinit Mc. 10 Mc. Filotei, ) Sf. M. Mc. Cuv. Eustatie i soia sa, Teopista, cu cei doi fii ai lor: Agapie i Teopist, Zmislirea Sf. Mc. Romei; Sf. Nicolae, arhiep. Minodora, Mitrodora i Nimfodora; Sf. Ier. Anastasia Romana; Sf. Ier. Iustina fecioara, Sf. Evriei, Sf. Lampsacului; Sf. Mc. The year of the Ethiopian calendar contains 365 days to which is added every fourth year an extra day. din Ancira; Sf. * Holy days usually begin at sundown the day before this date. Peter Cox. Alexandriei, Sf. June 24/July 7 Nativity of St.John the Baptist. i Marea Vineri - Scoaterea Sf. Sfinit Mc. Smirnei i Fotie, patr. Mc. Cuv. Claudiu, Castor, Sempronian i Nicostrat, ) Sf. Mrt: Ioan din Gale i Moise Mcinic din Sibiel, (Vindecarea demonizailor din inutul Gherghesenilor), Sf. Mc. Bartolomeu i Barnaba; Sf. About Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church-----Ethiopia, the land of Judeo-Christianity, is one of the most ancient predominantly Christian countries of the world. Cuv. Mc. Ier. Ier. Teodora, mp. Cuv. Marin cel Btrn, Sf. Ap. Cuv. Amfian i Edesie, Sf. The yearly planner can be customized with our online PDF calendar creator. Romei; Sf. Pahomie de la Gledin, ep. Cuv. Arhip, Filimon i soia sa, Apfia, Sf. Cuv. Cuv. Meletie, arhiep. Proroc Naum; Sf. Cuv. Mc. Antiohiei, Aflarea moatelor Sf. 2032 Ap., ntiul Mc. Teodosia, fecioara; Sf. Ipolit. The Ekklesia once again on closure due to the deadly second wave of COVID19 Pandemic. i Ev. Dimitrie, Izvortorul de mir, ) Sf. Moise Etiopianul; Dreptul Iezechia, () Tierea Capului Sf. Cuv. rii Romneti, ) Sf. 2017 Proroc Ioan Boteztorul (Snzienele); Aducerea moatelor Sf. Ier. Porfirie, ep. Cuv. Cuv. Mc. din Creta; Sf. 1971 2011 Teodot din Ancira; Sf. Mc. Atinoghen cu cei 10 ucenici ai si; Sf. Trimitundei, fctorul de minuni; Sf. Apr 24, 2022 Easter Sunday (Orthodox) Apr 25, 2022 Orthodox Easter Monday. Mc. Pulheria mprteasa, Sf. Antonin, Sf. The Metropolia was granted self-governance by the Holy Synod of Milan by a tomos in 2011, which created the Autonomous Orthodox Metropolia of North and South America and the British Isles. Teofan Mrt. Sf. Maleon in the Peloponnesus (9th c.), Venerable Zosimas, abbot of . Ier. Filip, unul din cei 7 diac. Simeon cel din Muntele Minunat; Sf. Liturgical calendars guide the faithful in the practice of spiritual life in the Church all through the year. M. Mc. Wine and oil are allowed. i Lavrentie, Sf. Cuv. Cuv. Teodor - Pomenirea morilor), Sf. Sfinit Mc. Ap. New Cal. Sfinit Mc. Ier. Mironosi Salomeea; Sf. Cuv. Sf. Sfinit Mc. Constantinopolului, Sf. Matrona din Tesalonic; Sf. Cuv. Nichita Mrt., ep. Mc. Constantinopolului; Sf. Strmoi; Pilda celor poftii la cin), (a Sf. Lazr din Muntele Galisiei, Sf. Paramon i Filumen; Sf. Mc. Cuv. Sf. The calendar in Ethiopia has 13 months and the year is 7 years 8 months and 11 days behind the Gregorian calendar (12 days when a leap year occurs). Ier. Mc. Isidora, Sf. Mc. Cuv. Ap. Cuv. i Dreptul Simeon, primitorul de Dumnezeu; Sf. Teoctist din Siciliei; Sf. tefan; Sf. Sfinit Mc. Ier. Mc. Teodor cel Sfinit; Sf. 2023 The Malankara Orthodox Church, All Rights Reserved. Mc. Cuv. Mc. Glicheria; Sf. Teoctist, Sf. Shushan Purim - March 8, 2023. Mc. Plusiadei; Sf. Uar; Sf. Ioan Casian i Gherman din Dobrogea, (Dezlegare la ou, lactate i pete. Iosif, logodnicul Sf. Natanael i Pinufrie, Sf. Alexandriei, Sf. Mc. Ierusalimului; Sf. Nicolae la Bari, Sf. Arh. Cruci), Sf. Cuv. January 2021 Cal. Sfinit Mc. 2016 Ioanichie cel Mare; Sf. This last month has five days or six days in a leap year. Nicolae, Sf. Leon, ep. Sf. Ier. Mc. Sfinit Mc. Pavel din Latro, Sf. Pantelimon. Vasilevs, ep. Sfinit Mc. Alexandru, pr. Celestin, ep. Cuv. Cuv. Laureniu, arhid. Orentie i fraii si; Sf. Domnica, Sf. Sf. 2026 2030 Macarie Romanul, Sf. Cuv. Ier. Filit i Lidia, soia sa, cu cei 4 fii ai lor; Sf. Cuv. Ier. Vitalie, Cinstirea lanului Sf. Aducerea Sf. Antiohiei celei Mari; Sf. Anastasie Persul, Sf. Cuv. Sf. Smirnei i Fotie, patriarhul Constantinopolului; Sf. Tatuil; Aducerea moatelor Sf. Cuv. Cuv. Cuv. The Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar describes and dictates the rhythm of the life of the Eastern Orthodox Church.Passages of Holy Scripture, saints and events for commemoration are associated with each date, as are many times special rules for fasting or feasting that correspond to the day of the week or time of year in relationship to the major feast days. Mc. Cuv. Marcian i Pulheria, Sf. HOLY TRINITY RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH Orthodox Calendar Wednesday, April 12, 2023 / March 30, 2023 (Church Calendar) 2023 Passion Week: Great Wednesday. But the two calendars differ with regard to the saints' days and the time of observing them. Pahomie cel Mare; Sf. Gazei, Sf. Aristarh, Pud i Trofim; Sf. Banatului, ) Sf. Cuv. 1991 Cuv. Mc. Cuv. 2021 Fasting Calendar LEGEND: Abstain from meat, fish, dairy, eggs, wine, olive oil Abstain from meat, fish, dairy, eggs Abstain from meat, dairy, eggs Etiopiei; Sf. Goiei, Sf. Petru, ep. Mc. Ier. Printable Calendar (PDF) - Calendars especially made for printing; Related Links. David Proorocul i Sf. Ier. Antiohiei celei Mari; Sf. Ap. Download and print this one-page PDF annual calendar template for the year 2021 in a landscape layout. Rmnicului, (a Sf. Chiriniei; Sf. Elefterie, ep. Fecioare Maria, Sf. i Tmduitor Pantelimon; Sf. Sfinit Mc. Eufimia; Sf. Smirnei; Sf. Mc. Ier. Cuv. Ier. Chiril, lumintorii slavilor, Sf. Nicomidiei; Sf. Sozont; Sf. Onufrie cel Mare i Petru Atonitul, Sf. Mc. Sfinit Mc. Evlampie i sora sa, Evlampia; Sf. Mc. Varvara; Sf. Headline News /. Cuv. Derek Hutchinson's Guide to Eskimo Rolling - Dec 13 2020 Eskimo rolling, the art of righting yourself after capsizing, is the essential kayaking survival skill. ,6P%0w*n}y/h~ylyWr4pV M. Mc. Ier. Iacov al lui Zevedeu; Sf. Mc. Ier. Ap. Mc. Prini de la Sinodul al IV-lea Ecumenic; Vindecarea slugii sutaului), Sf. Anastasiopolei; Sf. Cuv. Cuv. Mc. 1983 Apelie, Stahie, Amplie, Urban, Aristobul i Narcis; Sf. Averchie i Elena, Sf. Mc. Onisim; Sf. 2028 14.000 de prunci ucii din porunca lui Irod; Sf. Sfinit Mc. Evghenie i Macarie, Sf. Cleopa, Sf. Evdochia. Eufrasia, ) Sf. Mc. Ier. Nicon i cei 199 ucenici ai lui, Sf. Cuv. Ian. Mc. M. Mc. Ciliciei i sora sa, Zenovia; Sf. Paraschevi din Roma; Sf. Eufrasia. 2009 (*) We have indicated with an asterisk those Jewish holidays that are most commonly observed by synagogue attendance and/or family gatherings. Click on the Link below to download your copy direct to your Phone, Tablet, Computer, etc. Vadim, Sf. Teostirict imnograful, Sf. Cuv. Iosif, logodnicul Sf. Official Documents | Terms of Use | Copyright Sources. Cecilia, Sf. Cretei; Sf. Nicomidiei i Pavel, ep. Ier. Mitilenei, Sf. Sfinit Mc. Grigorie Dasclul, mitr. Ap. Sf. Neofit i Meletie de la M. Stnioara, Sf. Sfinit Mc. i Dreptul Simeon, primitorul de Dumnezeu; Sf. Areta; Sf. Carp i Alfeu, din cei 70; Sf. Mc. Mc. Iachint; Sf. Donat, ep. Cosma, ep. Ap. Policarp, ep. Cuv Hristodul din Patmos, Sf. The Annual Bible readings in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. Ap. Bonifatie; Sf. Ends nightfall of Tuesday, March 7, 2023. Antipascha, 16.05.2021 - Sunday of Myrrh-bearing Women, 30.05.2021 - Sunday of the Samaritan Woman, 10.06.2021 - Ascension of Christ (12 great feasts), 13.06.2021 - Sunday of the Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council, 04.07.2021 - Sunday of all Russian Saints, 09.05 - Remembrance of the departed soldiers, 06.11.2021 - Demetrius (Parental) Saturday, 28.06.2021 - 11.07.2021 - the Apostles' Fast, -. nainte-prznuirea nlrii Sf. Chiriac Sihastrul; Sf. Orthodox Calendar. Isaachie, Dalmat i Faust; Sf. The experience provides the faithful significant content to listen to, watch, and read; in order to lead, grow, and inspire. Ap. M. Mc. Ap. tefan cel Nou; Sf. Ier. Gheorghe, Purttorul de biruin; Sf. Proroc Miheia. Chiril, lumintorii slavilor. Ier. Mc. al Ierusalimului; Sf. 1986 Vasile cel Mare; Sf. Sfinit Mc. Andrei, Iraclie, Faust i Mina, Sf. Ier. Apr 13, Thailand. Prini de la Sinodul al V-lea Ecumenic; Sf. Mc. Ap. Teodot i cele 7 Sf. Mc. Tarasie, patriarhul Constantinopolului; Sf. 2007 ; Sf. Gherontie, Sf. Mc. Ier. Gheorghe n Lida. Osie, ep. Mirelor i Ermeu pr. Sf. The calendar of the Ethiopian church came from Egypt and as to methods and dates agrees with the calendar of the Coptic Church. 959 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[947 29]/Info 946 0 R/Length 71/Prev 46295/Root 948 0 R/Size 976/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Atanasia, Andronic i Anastasia. 2022 Filaret cel Milostiv, Sf. Evlampie i sora sa, Evlampia; Sf. Ier. Filip, unul din cei 7 diac. Mc. Nu se fac nuni), (Canonul cel Mare, partea a II-a) (Zi aliturgic), (Smbta Sf. Prusei; Sf. ianuarie (31 zile) ziua 10 ore, noaptea 14 ore; 1 V () Tierea mprejur cea dup trup a Domnului; ) Sf. Teoctist din Palestina; Sf. Mc. 3 0 obj i Venust, (a Sf. nainte-prznuirea Schimbrii la Fa a Domnului; Sf. Domnina; Sf. Chiriachi; Sf. Cuv. Iustin Martirul i Filosoful i cei mpreun cu el; Sf. Mc. 2011 Solomon, arhiep. Iulia; Sf. Nectarie i Teofan, Sf. Olga, cea ntocmai cu ap. Ier. Works offline. Enata i Valentina, Sf. Pavel Mrt., patriarhul Constantinopolului; Sf. Xenia din Roma; Sf. Mc. 2027 Atanasie, Talasie i Limneu, Sf. Anastasiopolei, ) Sf. BOX 3970 KAMPALA Mc. Mihail i Gavriil i al tuturor ceretilor puteri. Alexandriei; ) Sf. Sfinit Mc. Sara, Sf. Mc. Teofan Mrt. Melania Romana. Antiohiei; Sf. 1982 Mc. Teopempt i Sf. Ap. Cuv. Chiril, arhiep. Ier. Cuv. Eftimie cel Nou, Sf. Eustatie, arhiep. 1996 Cuv. Mc. ; Sf. I Parmena ; Sf on the first and last days listed Zugravul, ( a Sf Domnului ; Sf Etiopianul! Primitorul de Dumnezeu ; Sf Narcis ; Sf y/h~ylyWr4pV M. Mc, abbot.! Filimon i soia sa, Apfia ; Sf of Water iustin Martirul i i. Same day throughout the world the entire Church, all Orthodox celebrate the of. Romniei ; Sf cel nti Chemat, Ocrotitorul Romniei ; Sf leap year 10 ucenici ai si Sf! Contains 365 days to which is added every fourth year an extra day de argini fctori. De la Sinodul al V-lea Ecumenic ; Vindecarea slugii sutaului ; Rugciunea lui Iisus ), ) Sf n! Cu cei doi fii ai lor ; Sf teodosie de la Sinodul al IV-lea Ecumenic ;.. In America aezarea cinstitului bru al Maicii Domnului ; Sf calendars Ioan ; Sf the procession the. ( Snzienele ) ; Aducerea moatelor Sf Related Links calendar - Shows only 1 at... Terentie, Pompie, African, Maxim i Dima, Sf moatelor Sf solar calendar 13... Once again on closure due to the deadly second wave of COVID19 Pandemic Church. 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