lt thomas mcinerney

He was also awarded the Third Order of the Rising Sun by the Japanese government. Our Twitter account was banned. In that capacity, McInerney led the Pentagons reinventing government effort, focused on making government more efficient by using the latest and best business practices. Nor did he respond to the Army statements about their falsehood. Davis studied history at Vanderbilt University and UNC-Chapel Hill, writing a master's thesis about how the Cold War-era Defense Department influenced Hollywood's WWII movies. On Monday, retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney, a former fighter pilot and assistant vice chief of staff, touched off a firestorm of criticism after floating baseless claims that Army Special Forces soldiers were killed while seizing computer servers in Germany tied to fictional election fraud that had cost President Donald Trump a second term in office in the 2020 presidential election. Please enter your username or email address to reset your password. The scientific community and international public health organizations have said the coronavirus emerged from bats and later jumped to humans. McInerney, who in 2006 floated an evidence-free theory that Russia moved Saddams weapons of mass destruction to Syria prior to the Iraq War, was near the top of the Air Force food chain before his retirement. McInerney made these claims in an interview with Brannon Howse of Worldview Radio & WVW-TV, a conspiracy-tinged website with stories like Voter Fraud, Treason, Psychological Gaslighting Enemies Inside the Wire and The Existential Threat to Our National Security; Is the CIA Using Technology to Enslave and Control The American People? and The Democrats Plan For Secession if They Lose the 2020 Presidential Election and Their Partnership with China to Defeat America From Within., In his interview with Howse (which was preceded by an exclusive first interview with retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn since his pardoning by Trump) McInerney said that Trump and attorney Sidney Powell have got the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion working with them, because in all of this, we have not seen any footprints of the DOJ or the FBI, nor the CIA on the friendly side.. If the virus had been altered, there would be evidence in its genome data. Over 19minutes, McInerney a former Fox News analyst and military adviser for the Trump campaign spins a conspiracy theory that claims Democrats coordinated with the Chinese government to create COVID-19 and commit voter fraud to oust President Donald Trump. We had our first sustained stretch of three months with over a million visitors in November, December, and January, but February saw a dip. Neither Lt. Gen. McInerney nor I are medical doctors, but we both talk to doctors on a regular basis. He was the Air Attache to the UK and then Vice Commander of a F111 Wing in the UK followed by Wing Commander at Clark Field,then Commander of the 313th AD on Okinawa followed by DCS/Ops Intel at PACAF HQ and then Commander of Third AF in the UK thence Vice CINC USAFE in Germany followed by Commander Alaskan Air Command,Alaska NORAD REGION and Alaskan Command. McInerney was inducted into the Order of the Sword in July 1980. Frankfurt, Germany. When Lt. General Tom McInerney was the #3 guy at the Pentagon, his perspectives helped shape the direction of the nation. Theyre making a very swift and bold play for complete control, the General said. & President of BENS (Business Executives for National Security), a nonpartisan organization of business and professional leaders headquartered in Washington, DC., which works to engage the business community in securing Americas future with a more efficient defense establishment. Now, he's talking about the 5G aspect of the jabs. Russia moved Saddams weapons of mass destruction, like speaking out in defense of civil-military relations, era of senior military officials as cable news pundits needs to come to a close. Did that go down without incident, by the way? And they know all this data they are provided.. (function() { CISA said on its rumor control page that bad actors would not be able to change election results without being caught. He was primarily responsible for German F-104 training and the F-5E Military Assistance Program. Tune into Caravan to Midnight live. Retired Air Force Lt Gen Thomas McInerney revealing Nancy Pelosi's true secret agenda. These questions are not allowed on Big Tech which is just another reason we are getting cancelled. When Military Times asked McInerney to provide evidence to support his claims, he forwarded a lengthy conspiracy newsletter that, among other things, described Rudy Giulianis recent conduct as shocking and professional and discussed whether Trump should declare martial law to overturn the election results. One individual accompanied a $500 donation with a note reading, He lost his life fighting for truth!. Its important to understand not just who the enemies are but also what is motivating them. He was at the forefront warning people about the jabs based on advice her received from multiple doctors. The best example of this tactic were the Arizona and Nevada elections where the Democrats needed a full week to manufacture enough physical ballots to defeat the Republican Arizona candidates for governor, Attorney General, and U.S. senator, and the Republican senatorial candidate in Nevada. Lt. General Tom McInerney, USAF (ret) After a military career spanning 35 years, as a pilot, commander and strategic planner in the United States Air Force, Lt. General Thomas McInerney, USAF retired from active military service in 1994 as Asst. Dr. Weak Oz quickly and stupidly conceded the election, thereby ruling out an audit that would have caught the fraud. McInerney told Military Times that he is very concerned about the spread of misinformation and the effect it has on the families of the soldiers who died in the Sinai helicopter crash. This is Lt. General Thomas McInerney, speaking at the White House just a few hours ago. Its called the FedNow payment system.. For more info: ht. But while he did not originate the claim that about the Army aviators, which emerged via social media postings in the wake of his interview with Howse, he did not dispute it, either, telling Military Times he has even greater concern for the most massive cyber warfare package that struck the Nation on 3 Nov.. In March 1979, McInerney became commander of the 3rd Tactical Fighter Wing, Clark Air Base, Philippines, and was deeply involved in implementing the base agreement that placed Clark Air Base under Philippine sovereignty. To Lt. General Tom McInerney, this presents a true national security threat. The Democrat cheaters did not touch Florida cheating-wise, trusting that DeSantis massive victory would play to increase the strength of Trump-hating Republicans to wage a war inside the Republican Party and their paymasters, men and women who act in lockstep against the survival of America with the Globalist Democrats. Updated Jan 18, 2021 10:24 AM EST. We have all this information.. September 16, 2019 House Defense Cuts Are Clashing With the Reality of Rising Costs Against the recommendation from our nation's armed forces, some in Congress are once again trying to downscale the size and scope of the American military. On balance, Colonel Sellin said that elections probably will not help this dire situation. Election officials in every state said there was no sign of significant voter fraud. As a result, he said, Trump is using the aftermath of the Capitol insurrection to pursue justice. Ive already had one shot, and last week I was going to get my second shot, he told me on the latest episode of NOQ Report. Some of this is driven by the growing number of Americans who crave being told what to do and how to live, but at least some of it can be attributed to the shills employed by various entities, including the CCP. Thomas J. McInerney (politician) - Thomas J. McInerney (June 12, 1924 - August 5, 1998) was an American politician who served in the New York State Assembly from 1965 to 1972 and from 1977 . Former Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney speaks during a video in which he makes a variety of false claims. Its easy to assume that this is all driven by profits, that Big Pharma, Big Tech, and Big Government are combining forces to enrich themselves. The theory goes like this: An employee in the U.S. embassy in Rome worked with a board member of Leonardo, a defense contractor, to commit voter fraud in the 2020 election. It is an experimental vaccine and is continuing to break, the General said. McInerney was assigned to Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, and later to Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, for advanced gunnery training. 2023-04-01 04:17:39. Theyve got a game plan and the passport was part of that game plan. First, I believe in transparency and thorough testing, neither of which have been associated with the rushed vaccines that are now in circulation despite none of them receiving FDA approval. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(sc, s); The U.S. Department of Defense awarded a contract for COVID-19 research in Ukraine months before the virus was known. The video McInerney referenced was introduced by Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani and his team during a Dec. 3 hearing with Georgia state legislators. From 1996-1999, he served as C.E.O. He completed four tours of duty in Vietnam, flight reconnaissance missions during the Cuban missile crisis and air escort missions in the Berlin Corridor. We reached out to McInerney through his company YottaStor for a comment, but we havent heard back. People must understand that. If Our Senior Leaders in the Military will not Fight Against Unlawful Mandates, Who Will? I strongly encourage you watch the interview (as soon as youre done listening to my interview with the General, of course). Gov Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr, Sponsors One of our YouTube accounts was banned and another has been suspended. Former National Security Council Staffer for President Donald Trump Rich Higgins join us to give us his thoughts on what it would mean for America if Joe Biden becomes President due to his a national security threat due to being . With speculation that the vaccines could render people more susceptible to future variants of the coronavirus that are more deadly, its important for a contingency within the military that accounts for non-targeted, widespread incapacitation. The second way to help is to become a partner. Ill be interviewing three this week alone. I had a call from a doctor who advised me not to get that.. "They have been preparing for mass extinction with these death caskets" in Madison, Ga. 34 dead after Lizzo attempted to crowd surf.. But a large number of people are going to start getting horribly sick and get all kinds of autoimmune diseases. In April 1963 he was one of the first forward air controllers assigned to South Vietnam with a Vietnamese army division. But before taking the second, he received a phone call from another doctor who warned him not to get round two. He did, however, double down on his claims. He was blowing the whistle on the stolen election long before election day. It wasnt just the shortened month. Air Force General, McInerney is also known for Contributing to FOX. Lt. General Thomas McInerney TV. Because we believe in the truth prevailing, and that means we will continue to discuss taboo topics. As The New American has previously reported: According to Trump Recount Committee member Brian Trascher during a November 18 interview on Newsmax, servers in Germany belonging to Dominion have already been seized and are now being analyzed for evidence. Episode 2006 - Vaccine. As I will be uploading the full interview very soon. Its a pathway through which the evil forces arrayed against us can act towards our demise. Lt Gen Thomas McInerney USAF Retired was the former Assistant Vice Chief of the USAF and Director of the Defense Performance Review reporting directly to SEC DEF and . And Flynn, the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency and trusted confidant to the President of the United States, now appears on fringe conspiracy radio call-in shows and offers support for a movement that thinks the government is run by Satan-worshipping pedophiles. General McInerney received the warning from a doctor he knew just before going in for his second jab. '+arguments[1].video:'')+"/?url="+encodeURIComponent(location.href)+"&args="+encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify([].slice.apply(arguments))),e.parentNode.insertBefore(l,e)}})}(window, document, "script", "Rumble"); Rumble("play", {video":"v1slz16","div":"rumble_v1slz16"}); In this weeks McInerney Report theTwo MikesandLt. General McInerneydiscussed the upshot of the midterm elections. The Morning Briefing: ChiComs and Team Biden Have Eerily Similar Approaches to Message Control, Republicans on Judiciary Committee Playing Hardball Over Replacing Feinstein. Lt. General Thomas McInerney & Maj. General Paul Vallely. He said that it is no way near a sure thing that the midterm elections will be free from fraud. During the same WVW interview as McInerney, Flynn said of President Trump: There is no doubt in my mind that he won this election. Debunking the Hammer and Scorecard election fraud conspiracy theory, Fact-checking claims about the Insurrection Act, martial law after Capitol riot, Fact-checking hoaxes and conspiracies about the coronavirus, Heres how we know Trumps repeated claim of a landslide victory is wrong, How Pizzagate went from fake news to a real problem for a D.C. business, No, facial recognition didnt confirm antifa infiltrated Trump supporters at the Capitol, No, Georgia election workers didnt kick out observers and illegally count suitcases of ballots, Theres no proof antifa stormed the Capitol. One important piece of information that needs to get out there is that these vaccines are not technically vaccines. In addition to his Vietnam Service, the McInerney served overseas in NATO; Pacific Air . There he worked for three different ambassadors, assisting them in changing U.S. policy toward the multi-role combat aircraft, and increased standardization with European aerospace and North Atlantic Treaty Organization air forces. See all the latest videos and articles patriots need to watch and read at He is a command pilot with more than 4,100 flying hours, including 407 combat missions (243 in O-1s as a forward air controller and 164 in F-4C's, D's and E's) during the Vietnam War. It was originally created by Dennis Montgomery for the CIA to spy on terrorists,, but weaponized by John Brennan and the Obama IC to spy on political rivals in America. We also expected the continuation of dropping traffic from woke Big Tech companies like Google, Facebook, and Twitter, but it has actually been much worse than anticipated. Florida driver calls 911 after seeing what looked like a mannequin on fire in a field. McInerney volunteered for a fourth tour in Southeast Asia and served with the 469th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Korat Royal Thai Air Force Base, Thailand, from February until August 1969. We referenced a video by Jamie Glasov in which he interviewed Dr. Carrie Madej. All of this combines for a very grim picture, one in which the draconian mandates were seeing planted today will become commonplace in the near future. Over 19 minutes, McInerney a former Fox News analyst and military adviser for the Trump campaign spins a conspiracy theory that claims Democrats coordinated with the Chinese government to. This is wrong we rated a similar claim False. Retiring from the Air Force, McInerney served four tours in Vietnam, including hundreds of . Another important thing to remember is that these have not gone through the rigorous testing necessary to receive FDA approval. Thomas G McInerney as a Major General (1983, aged 46). Special operations forces seized that facility, so they have those servers, said McInerney, who is known for his high leadership positions under the secretary of defense and the vice president of the United States. Then, on Tuesday, recently-pardoned longtime conspiracy theorist retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn shared a press release from a fringe group calling on Trump to declare a limited form of Martial Law, and temporarily suspend the Constitution and civilian control of these federal elections, for the sole purpose of having the military oversee a re-vote in an effort to overturn the outcome of the election. Leonardo used a military satellite to change votes from Trump to Biden in key battleground states. Air Force Gen. Curtis LeMay infamously attempted to goad President John F. Kennedy into bombing Cuba during the titular missile crisis. Lt. General Thomas McInerney has been on my show and others many times over the last couple of years. News. What is QAnon, the baseless conspiracy spilling into US politics? Ukraine Corruption The Schemes and Techniques for Enriching Officials. ", Says Jerry Nadler said God has no authority in the House of Representatives. You cant say that on Big Tech platforms without risking cancelation, but wed rather get cancelled for telling the truth rather than staying around to repeat mainstream medias lies. Only one of the soldiers had ever served in a USASOC unit, a helicopter repairer who had previously deployed as a member of the 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment. Get out there is that these vaccines are not technically vaccines get round two received the warning a... Scientific community and international public health organizations have said the coronavirus emerged from bats later. Way near a sure thing that the midterm elections will be uploading the full interview soon... Neither Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney has been suspended helped shape the direction of the Rising Sun the. 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lt thomas mcinerney