list of all prayers in the bible pdf

60. 11. Asa for victory (50 words; 2 Chron 14:11). Job in complaint and for relief and forgiveness (114 words; Job 7:17-21). Ten lepers for healing (5 words; Luke 17:13). The list includes the most popular and important prayers of the Bible. Begin by praising God for His attributes, His greatness and faithfulness. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. If I forget you, do not forget me. In fact, when we read about the life of Jesus, we discover that he made prayer a priority. David for revelation (10 words; 1 Sam 30:8). 230. Two Prayers in Amos:169. 3) 3. Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given me, that they may be one, even as we are one. Unanswered because 10 righteous persons werent found (Gen 19:24). List Of Bible Stories In Chronological Order. 59. Answered because of Gods plan. O Lord, you are our God; we will exalt you, we will praise your name; for you have done wonderful things, plans formed of old, faithful and sure. Give us today our daily bread. Answered because of Gods plan. 205. From 1 Chronicles 4: 2-21, Jabez was mentioned as part of Judah's genealogy. A mother for exaltation of her 2 sons, James and John (23 words; Matt 20:21). Two Prayers in Deuteronomy:20. David for forgiveness of sin (29 words; 2 Sam 24:10). Apostle Pauls Prayers In Second Timothy 2 Timothy 1:37, 2 Timothy 1:1618, 2 Timothy 4:22, 225. A list helps us think about how we can grow in these roles, and this will help us bring our spiritual needs to the Lord. ~3%Pf&(VHBIbAs@R*##1E=Zm Hezekiah for deliverance (133 words; Isa 37:16-20). Answered because of Gods word and plan for him (Gen 25:19-23; 26:3; 27:28-29; 28:3-4,13-15; 32:9). Ezra-prayer of thanksgiving (50 words; Ezra 7:27-28). Hezekiah for deliverance (133 words; 2 Kings 19:15-19). Jesus in healing a deaf mute (2 words-the shortest prayer; Mark 7:34). Abraham for Sodom to be spared if 10 persons were righteous (176 words; Gen 18:23-32). Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.". No answer recorded. She has been published on, and you can follow her at or on If you dont keep a list of things to be thankful, can I encourage you to start? 187. Three Prayers in 2 Kings:48. {KFUjQy3Nw9W\tM/6##i"c*2ej]Agn?4LK iB>1_Z^=YT Answered because of Gods plan for Israel (1 Sam 1:20-23) and promises to bless with children upon obedience (Lev 26:3-13; Deut 28:1-14). Answered because of sin (Num 16:23-34). Solomon for wisdom (146 words; 1 Kings 3:6-9). Moses for Gods presence to go with Israel to Canaan (138 words; Ex 33:12-13,15-16). Nehemiah for help (7 words; Neh 6:9). 14. Simeon in blessing Jesus (43 words; Luke 2:29-32). Jesus on the cross (8 words; Luke 23:46). 182. All who touch the Lord are healed. As you begin to pray Gods' name over your situation, you may find yourself continuing in prayer using your own words. Pamela Palmer is a writer, speaker, and the founder of, the platform on which she produces devotionals and faith resources to inspire keeping faith at the center of life. 44. Seven Prayers in Luke:196. Remember, the enemy will try to prevent you from doing this by trying to distract you or hinder your progress. 66. 214. A few of the other 78 may also be considered such because of the general nature of the subject matter. Jesus on the cross (9 words; Matt 27:46). Answered (Matt 17:18). Habakkuk for revival (474 words; Hab 3:2-19). Answered (Luke 17:14,19). He is our only hope for salvation, and there is no one else who can save us. List Of Names In The Bible & Meaning From A To Z. References to prayer (Deut 9:20,26), also what to pray for elders at murder trials (Deut 21:6-9) and what all Israel should pray after obedience to the law (Deut 26:5-15). 183. There are different prayers for different occasions and for different needs. look into God's toolbox, the Bible, to observe and examine the various kinds of prayer. Three Prayers in Ezekiel:164. 67. Sailors for mercy (33 words; Jonah 1:14). These prayers have been used by men and women throughout the ages, they have provided hope in dark hours, strength in times of trouble, comfort during periods of disappointment and distress. 184. Daniel prayed in the lions den. %PDF-1.3 A Prayer of Surrender When my friend entered hospice care, I wasn't sure whether I should pray for miraculous healing or a smooth transition into heaven. Prayer Topics Below is a list of topics that can be used to assist you with praying in English. Aaron for the blessing of God upon the people (32 words in the form of benediction; Num 6:24-26). Because a prayer list helps you stay consistent, it will require that you deal with the corruption in your own heart evidenced in your resistance to prayer. Healing Prayer By The Laying-On-Of-Hands For Healing 13. Matthew 6:9-13 (ESV) "Pray then like this: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. James 4:7. 28. In this chapter, Jesus prayers for his disciples are recorded. If you use a prayer list, you have to maintain the prayer list. Prayer of Rebuke 15. By this we can be delivered from all our enemies because our trust is in him alone.*. Saul for guidance (16 words; 1 Sam 14:37). Churchgists is always committed to offering you all the details you need on List Of All Prayers In The Bible Pdf, Powerful prayers in the old testament, what is a prayer list I trust that when you done with this article you will be well grounded on this subject matter. Answered (Matt 9:29-30). Moses asking to go over into Canaan (59 words; Deut 3:24-25). 44. 180. Answered (Ezra 10:1-19). It isnt magical, but if you want to change your heart toward someone, committing yourself to praying that the Lord will bless them and give them joy in Him is a great way to grow your love for them. The Lord Jesus said in Matthew 6:7, "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the pagans do; for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking." One of Moses' greatest prayers for Israel is recorded in only four verses (Deuteronomy 9:26-29). 232. We can look to Scripture to discover at least ten notable kinds of prayers. Safety & Rest 8. David for revelation (14 words; 2 Sam 5:19). 48. Nine Prayers in Judges:24. 69. "prayer and petition in fasting, and in sackcloth and ashes." (v. 3) 4. 3. Having fellowship with the Lord . We may find ourselves in the place of prayer for different reasons. As you read through the Bible, you can extend the requests based on your reading, fine tuning what you pray so that it is more aligned to what the word of God says. Two Prayers in Ezra:55. Amos for forgiveness s (16 words; Amos 7:2). 124-138. 196. Psalm 103:1-5. Answered (Mark 7:35). 190. Answered because of Gods plan for Israel (Num 27:18-23). Answered because of Moses prayer (Num 14:20). 1 Peter 3:12 The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right, and his ears are open to their prayers. 217. There are many types of prayers and we find evidence of this in the Bible. Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise" (Jeremiah 17:14). David for revelation (10 words; 1 Sam 30:8). This word comes from the root word pros, which means toward or near. Two blind men for healing (8 words; Matt 9:27). 200. 189. All creatures in worship (22 words; Rev 5:13). Other prayers are a result of considering and declaring the grandiosity of God. Apostle Pauls Prayers In Colossians Colossians 4:24, 221. On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night (Psalm 63:6). Jeremiah for judgment (174 words; Jer 18:19-23). Let go of any inner vows you may have made. As followers of Jesus, we aim to live like him, live according to his ways, and enter into a lifelong process of sanctification. Jeremiah for help for Judah (81 words; Jer 14:20-22). Answered (Job 42:10). Jehoshaphat for victory (224 words; 2 Chron 20:6-12). Jeremiah for judgment (174 words; Jer 18:19-23). 173. At The Prayer Institute we believe that prayer is the vehicle which God has given to us to access and implement His Kingdom authority here on earth. work. But did you know that there are specific prayers in the Bible for particular situations? Israel for guidance (19 words;Judges 20:28). But let all who take refuge in you 131. The Greek word for prayer is proseuche. Your prayer list is a great place to keep a list of things for which to thank the Lord. Answered because God had promised (Gen 21:1-8). These prayers come from a place of genuine awe of who the Lord is and all that he does. References to prayer (Isa 1:15; 7:11; 16:12; 26:16; 55:6-7). Jehoshaphat for victory (224 words; 2 Chron 20:6-12). 4. Answered because of Gods plan for Israel (Judges 11:1-33). Prayers from the Old Testament Hannah's Prayer (1 Samuel 2:1-10): Then Hannah prayed and said: "My heart rejoices in the Lord; In the Lord my horn is lifted high. Answered by faith (2 Kings 19:35). There are also prayers that Israel will make in the time of their restoration as a nation (Isa 12; 64). Many of us begin and end the day with prayer. 30. Answered because it was in harmony with the will of God for the nation (Judges 1:2). Praying to God is a powerful weapon! Jeremiah, accusing God (24 words; Jer 4:10). References to prayer (1 Sam 7:9; 8:6; 12:18; 15:11; 28:6). 201. Something that the Lord convicts you about is often a good thing to pray for yourself and others. Answered because of judgment on sin. 10 Different Prayers in the Bible 1. Answered (Isa 6:6-7). 9. Jesus giving thanks to God (38 words; Matt 11:25). 198. 50. Job in complaint and for relief and forgiveness (114 words; Job 7:17-21). A ruler for healing (18 words; Matt 9:18). Prayers of the Old Testament Prayer History Begins Gen 4:26 7. Moses for judgment on sin (20 words; Num 16:15). 146. 178. And so, from the day we heard, we have not ceased to pray for you, asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of his will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God. Stress 12. Answered because of Moses prayer (Num 14:20). Manoah for an angel to appear and give him directions (91 words;Judges 13:8,11-12,15,17). God's Word 19. Live as children of light 27. If you find yourself praying the same things over and over, a prayer list can take some of the hard work out of it. 71. ~ Mark 11:24 ESV Pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for . And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christto the glory and praise of God (Philippians 1:9-11). Unanswered because 10 righteous persons werent found (Gen 19:24). }mLIwfLTb6mgL~R0f3y"#JyRI28R\3VpPc&!I8PMT~*j-)l98A73C]\rtS2J#xMAhwWxqiZ=bn3C*` 0Pt!w0T7(;2inb.aNB#_YAIF9RlnQQ{?,R mp In the life of the church every public event, no matter how common, serves as an occasion for prayer. These prayers will help you pray in times of need, give comfort in trying times and help you to develop your prayer life. A publican for mercy (7 words; Luke 18:13). 186. Job in complaint and for relief (571 words; Job 9:25-10:22). We accomplish this by using and teaching the model that Jesus taught to His disciples. Worry & Anxiety 9. Moses makes requests to God (Psalms 90). Moses for forgiveness for Israel (39 words; Ex 32:31-32). List of the God's Promises Bible Verses PDF. Eliezer, steward of Abraham, for a bride for Isaac (110 words; Gen 24:12-14). Throughout Scripture, those who devoted themselves to God made prayer a part of their spirituality. Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Answered because of his reconsecration to the Nazarite vows (Judges 13:4-5; 16:22). It asks that we are able to resist temptation. Leper for healing (9 words; Matt 8:2). When they really pray about their problems and choose to be thankful, God will give them peace. 37. Answered partially, in the temporary obedience to God of Solomon and Israel. 6. It impacts important events, interweaving with God's sovereign plan in history. Some of these prayers you may wish to learn "by heart" so that they become part of your daily living. Answered (Matt 15:28). Answered (Isa 37:36). 6. Answered when Israel lived free from sin, but unanswered when they sinned, which was according to Gods word (Ex 32:32-33). Job, prayer of confession (34 words; Job 40:3-5). Affirm your believe in him and confirm to him that you'll wait for him and that you'll yield to his will whatever it is. Jeremiah for the oppressed people of Judah (300 words; Lam 5). 53. They put heavy loads on me; they make me carry weighty burdens; but I do not complain because of it. Apostle Pauls Prayers In First Corinthians 1 Corinthians 1:49, 1 Corinthians 16:23. References to groaning, sighing, crying, and entreating the Lord (Ex 2:11,23-25; 3:7,9; 10:16). Eight Prayers in Revelation:228. Prayer doesnt need to be wordy or impressive or polished, it just needs to be honest and real. 35. Answered because God wanted to please Moses (Ex 4:14-17). 38. We pray blessings over newlyweds, newborns, or even over a new house or car. Answered by faith (2 Chron 14:12-14). Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Answered, but judgments fell (2 Sam 24:11-25). IsitrightforustotakepromisesgiventothepeopleofIsraelor MosesorDavid,andapplytheminprayertoourownsituations? "Bible Verses On Prayer: 99 Bible Verses About Prayer" will help you pray. A mother for exaltation of her 2 sons, James and John (23 words; Matt 20:21). Choose to be thankful, God, and in sackcloth and ashes. & ;. 90 ) His attributes, His greatness and faithfulness different occasions and for relief and (. But I do not complain because of Gods plan for Israel ( Judges 11:1-33 ),. It just needs to be thankful, God, and His ears are open their. Nature of the other 78 may also be considered such because of plan. 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list of all prayers in the bible pdf