alaska emergency operations center

Partnerships; Emergency Manager Exchange; . Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, Chugach Electric 907-762-7888 (Photo Credit: Photo by U.S. Air Force Senior Master Sgt. In his role as Chief of Operations, Bryan serves as the State Incident Commander for disaster response operations, and is responsible for overseeing the Alaska State Emergency Operations Center. Villa and Ogawa and several other Alaska National Guard members volunteered to support their community, Fairbanks North Star Borough, with emergency transportation needs during a winter storm resulting in extreme snow and ice conditions. NDE0MmQ3ZTcxMjgxYjgzZWU5NTIwNTI0MmZjZGFiYzFjYzg3MWQ1NzA3YzVm Coastal flooding may occur, in addition to significant beach erosion. Through this process the SEOC can request the Alaska National Guard for support. SEOC Room Layout: SEOC Room Layout While the airports proved to be fairly resilient, there was some erosion, impact to runway lights, and damage to FAA weather equipment. ZWI1MTFjODU5ZGRkYzU1NmM3MjE4YzkzNGE5NDZkZjZkNjhlNDYzYWUzZTU3 Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological Opinion Issued by U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Fisheries, Inter-agency Memorandum of Agreement Regarding Oil Spill Planning and Response Activities Under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act's National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan and the Endangered Species Act, NOAA Guidelines for Assessing Exposure and Impacts of Oil Spills on Marine Mammals, NOAA Guidelines for Collecting High Priority Ephemeral Data for Oil Spills in the Arctic in Support of Natural Resource Damage Assessments, Programmatic Agreement on Protection of Historic Properties During Emergency Response Under the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan (PDF 68K), Alaska Regional Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT) Response Teams Brochure (PDF 598K), Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program, Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations, EPA, Environmental Protection Agency: Radiological Emergency Response Plan, 2017 (PDF 1M), Evidence-Based Planning Guidance for Patient Decontamination: Patient Decontamination in a Mass Chemical Exposure Incident: National Planning Guidance for Communities., Hazardous Materials Commodities Flow Study, ADEC 2010 (PDF 30M), Job Aid: Hazardous Substance Guidance (PDF 621K), Job Aid: Radiation Response Guidance (PDF 377K), List of Lists. Division of Public Health. South winds 40-60mph, with gusts as high as 90 mph expected in the Norton Sound and Yukon Delta. 907-269-2040. OGYzNjczOWViNWQyYzEyNmQ5YTM0NWY3ZGViM2ZhZTk4NGM2In0= Just as you are there for your patients, please know your behavioral health colleagues are standing by for you. A major earthquake or wildfire with significant property damage and threat to human life could trigger a level three activation. Publication Date. QUESTIONS: If you need further assistance in attending these important meetings please call Virlyn Dodge at 907-371-5260. Locked Registered members only. Issuing Organization. OGEyMzUxMjI1ZWYzOTVmOGM1NzM0ZjYxM2U3ZTZmYzI1ZGE5ZTlkMGI5Nzdm The DHSE&M, which falls under the Alaska Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, manages the State Emergency Operations Center. MzI0MDY2M2Q0YjYxODMxNzhiMzg3ODM0OGViYzczOGIzYmIzMjFhOTdlZDM4 Watch for flying debris due to strong winds. To date we are reporting the following Automated Weather Operating Systems (AWOS) as out of service (OTS): ROADS: State and local roads took the brunt of the storm impact, in particular in Nome and the surrounding communities. The storm is ongoing and residents are still taking shelter in many communities. Website The Anchorage Emergency Response team is made up of members from various Municipal Departments, non-profit and private organizations who have dedicated roles in emergency operations. Damage to access road has been repaired. Heres what we know as of 9 a.m. 9/18/22. We are also working with private sector contractors to bring them into the emergency repair work as soon as the needs are identified. 1st Class Clinton Shahan discusses Operation Winter Storms with other volunteers from the Alaska Air and Army National Guard to prepare and respond to support the Alaska State Operations Center. Bethel: Road to the boat harbor is under water as well as portions of Alligator Acres. ENSTAR 907-334-7763 or 1-877-907-9767, If you can help, please call the American Red Cross at 907-646-5401, Office of Substance Misuse and Addiction Prevention, Department of Family and Community Services, Municipality of Anchorage GIS maps, updated as information comes in, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. State of Alaska Emergency Operations Plan - United States Army Good! 2 Alaska Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Management Alaska ERG for Small Communities Contact Numbers Agency Contact Telephone No. We have also identified damages in Shishmaref and Teller. Newsletter 1 Copper Center_010515.pdf September 2017 Newsletter 1 Kongiganak_012615.pdf . A situation or threat has developed requiring a full activation of the EOC on a 24-hour rotational basis with all trained municipal staff participating or on call. Mission 2 were here. MjI2NWViMmZlN2NkZWM0NzYyMDI3YjYzYjM0Zjc1MmRhZGU0YjBlZjhjMzcx The Ketchikan EOC was activated in March 2020 to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic in Ketchikan under the National Incident Management System (NIMS) for managing emergency response activities. Reduced quality. Restoring access is critically important to communities, and in addition to our staff and contract staff in communities, we have dozens of heavy equipment operators ready for deployment to impacted areas. OWJlNTRiNWI5MDc4ZmM1OGMzY2VkYWNiMjY5NGFlZGExOWEwMWYxMzAyOGRk Emergency Updates Sign up for Public Alert and Warning System Prepare Mitigate is an overview of emergency operations in Alaska but is not a detailed State Emergency Operations Center operational document. COPYRIGHT STATE OF ALASKA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION , Fact Sheet - Preparing for a Nuclear Attack. Y2FhYjA4YWQ4MDdmMjcyYmQ2OWE0NGU4ZDg5YjE4OWMzMTE5NGY0MWVmMTQw Call 911: Emergencies: Law enforcement, fire, paramedics/EMTs or ambulance services, If you or a loved one is experiencing a mental health crisis call the Alaska Careline at 877-2664357 (HELP) or visit, Facebook Contractor personnel and equipment is under contract and actively working on repairs to both Front Street in Nome, as well as Nome Council Road. DOT&PF is receiving reports of significant erosion, some experiencing over 100 of shoreline loss, including Shaktoolik, Nome, Newtok, Scammon Bay, and Tununak. Debris has been getting on the road and ramp area. In case of a community wide incident the Emergency Operations Center will relay information to the public via local radio stations: 98.7 FM KVOK, 100.1 FM KMXT, and NIXEL Community Message Center. ODlhNTYwNWJlZTk4Y2M0ZTI3NzI3OGFjNGQ1MmUwZGY0NjIxYmE5MWM1MTBk DOT&PF is encouraging communities to report damage via Survey123 (below) so we can connect them with resources. The National Guard's efforts are in response to a request from the Alaska State Emergency Operations Center, prompted by a request from the FNSB Emergency Operations Center. The Response Section supports local incident management through remote and/or on-scene technical assistance to protect life, stabilize incidents, and protect property and the environment. Declared Disasters Active - Apply for Assistance. DOT&PF has issued a Notice to Airman (NOTAM) regarding the partial lighting, and sending additional lighting equipment/parts to the airport contractor for a completion of repairs. The SEOC. While much of our aviation infrastructure stood up to being overtopped by ocean water, the electronic weather systems did not fare well. Contractors are mobilizing barges and equipment to Golovin, Elim, and Shaktoolik to complete repairs of the public roads. We are already beginning to rebuild road and airport access infrastructure to provide a basic pioneer access to ensure connectivity. We have also heard about road damages in Hooper Bay, Shaktoolik, Elim, Napaskiak, Newtok, and others. Making emergency repairs in the next three weeks, before freeze up, is critical for communities in order to ensure access to infrastructure. In addition to DOT&PF heavy equipment operators that we have brought in statewide, we are also mobilizing a contractor and beginning repair work today. Erosion can limit the length of the usable runway, or change how a pilot can approach a runway. The DHSS EOC supports emergency medical operations at the local and state level, allowing on-scene emergency responders to focus their efforts on providing for the safety of the affected community. Alaska DCRA, Federally Recognized Tribes Directory, Alaska Regional and Village Corporations Directory, Alaska Regional Corporations and Non-profit Organizations Directory, U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs Tribal Directory, Federal and State Natural Resource Agency Emergency Contact table, Alaska Incident Management System, AIMS Guide (PDF 2.2M), U.S. Coast Guard Incident Management Handbook, Alaska Implementation Guidelines for the Protection of Historic Properties (PDF 130K), Spill Tactics for Alaska Responders (STAR) manual, ARRT Guidelines for Places of Refuge Decision-Making (PDF 648K), Job Aid: Public Information Officer (PDF 701K), Safety and Health Awareness for Oil Spill Cleanup Workers, Training Marine Oil Spill Response Workers under OSHA's Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard, OSHA Publication 3172, Alaska Sensitive Areas Compendium (PDF 28M), Characteristic Coastal Habitats - Choosing Spill Response Alternatives, NOAA 2017 (PDF 5.2M), Field Guide for Oil Spill Response in Arctic Waters, 2nd Edition, EPPR 2017 (PDF 7.8M), Guide to Oil Spill Response in Snow and Ice Conditions in the Arctic, Arctic Council, Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response, 2015, Job Aid: Marine Fire Fighting, Salvage and Lightering (PDF 335K), Protocol for using unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) during an oil spill response or exercise, Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique (SCAT) Manual, NOAA, Tundra Treatment Guidelines, A Manual for Treating Oil and Hazardous Substance Spills to Tundra 3rd Edition, ADEC 2010, Wildlife Protection Guidelines for Oil Spill Response in Alaska (PDF 30M), NOAAs Characteristics of Response Strategies (PDF 1.2M), Response System Planning Calculators, BSEE, Special Monitoring of Applied Response Technologies (SMART) Protocols (PDF 770K), NOAA OR&R Open Water Oil Identification Job Aid for Aerial Observation, NOAA OR&R Dispersant Application Observer Job Aid, Intentional Wellhead Ignition Risk Benefit Model Worksheet, Dispersant Use Guidelines, ARRT 2016 (PDF 1.1M), Alaska Inland Area On-Scene Coordinator In Situ Burning (ISB) Checklists, In Situ Burning Guidelines, ARRT 2008 (PDF 1.5M), Job Aid: Waste Management and Disposal (PDF 278K), Shoreline Cleanup and Assessment Technique, SCAT, Tundra Treatment Guidelines, A Manual for Treating Oil and Hazardous Substance Spills to Tundra, 3rd Edition, ADEC 2010, ARRT Guidelines for Places of Refuge Decision-Making, ADEC List of Approved Soil Treatment Facilities, ADEC Solid Waste Information Management System (SWIMS), NOAA OR&R Response Tools for Oil and Chemical Spills, NOAA OR&R Seafood Safety After an Oil Spill, Community Spill Response Agreements and Local Response Equipment, ADEC Primary Response Action Contractors, PRAC, Technical Operating Procedures (TOPS) for State Access under OPA 90, National Pollution Funds Center: The Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund, NMFS Alaska Endangered Species and Critical Habitat Mapper, NOAA Environmental Sensitivity (ESI) Maps, Tactic: Collection of Small Carcasses and Documentation of Large Carcasses, Carcass Collection Job Aid for Small Carcasses, Alaska Region Spill Response Emergency Endangered Species Act Consultation Initiation Template, Alaska Region Spill Response Emergency Endangered Species Act Post-Response Consultation Close-Out Template, Checklist: Vessel Grounding or Sinking Response, Wildlife Response Best Management Practices (BMPs), 2020 Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska, 2021 Fishery Management Plan for the Salmon Fisheries in the EEZ off Alaska, USFWS Best Practices for Migratory Bird Care during Oil Spill Response, NMFS Arctic Marine Mammal Disaster Response Guidelines, NMFS Cook Inlet and Kodiak Marine Mammal Disaster Response Guidelines and Appendices, NMFS Pinniped and Cetacean Oil Spill Response Guidelines, USFWS Oil Spill Response Plan for Polar Bears in Alaska, Emergency Care and Rehabilitation of Oiled Sea Otters: A guide for oil spills involving fur bearing animals, Ensuring Food Safety Following an Oil Spill in Alaska: Regulatory Authorities and Responsibilities, Biological Assessment Prepared by Windward Consulting on behalf of USCG District 17 and EPA Region 10, Biological Opinion Issued by U.S. Every household should be prepared to get through the first seven days of a disaster. Guide for Developing High-Quality School Emergency Operations Plans.pdf Security Vulnerability Assessment. The damages were not as significant as other locations, and we are utilizing our local M&O personnel and Contractors to repair those areas. DOT&PF issued NOTAM on this airport impact. April 2022 SEOC Layout.pdf September 2017 Org Chart 2016.pdf September 2017 Phone And Desk Layout.pdf . 907-561-3338 . ZmZiNDk0ZGU4NTU0MmRiYzkzZjlhY2FjMWFiZGZlNTZlOWNjOTY2YzNkOWQw Newtok: Airport may have significant damage due to how high the water was. Emergency Management The Anchorage Office of Emergency Management (OEM) plans, coordinates and supports activities that help prepare for, respond to, and recover from large-scale emergencies, while reducing the impacts of hazards. Ready? Consolidated List of Chemicals Subject to the Emergency Planning and Community center-To-Know Act (EPCRA), Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) and Section 112(r) of the Clean Air Act, Nuclear/Radiological Incident Annex to the NRF (PDF 230K), International Maritime Dangerous Goods Codes, Fire Protection Guide to Hazardous Materials, NFPA catalog, NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards (PDF 6M), Occupational Safety and Health Guidance Manual for Hazardous Waste Site Activities, NIOSH Occupational Health Guidelines for Chemical Hazards, Hazardous Materials Response Special Teams Capabilities and Contact Handbook (PDF 3MB), NOAA OR&R ALOHA (Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres), US NRC Emergency Preparedness and Response, Hazardous Materials Emergency Plan Checklist, Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, State of Alaska Emergency Operations Plan, 2016, ADHSEM Local Area Emergency Alert System Plans, DHSEM Small Community Emergency Response Plans, ADEC Geographic Information Systems Web Maps, Environmental Response Management Application, NOAA, National Pipeline Mapping System, DOT PHMSA, AirportIQ 5010: Airport Master Records and Reports, Alaska DOT, Division of Statewide Aviation, Federal Aviation Administration Alaska Region website, Alaska Supplement to the FAA Flight Information Publication, Alaska Shoreline Countermeasures Manual, NOAA April 1994 (PDF 457K), NOAA Shoreline Assessment Job Aid, 2007 (PDF 2.9M), Shoreline Assessment Manual, 4th edition, NOAA, August 2013 (PDF 14M), Industry Contingency Plans for ADEC-regulated facilities, Alaska Clean Seas Tech Manual Maps Atlas (PDF 142M), Cook Inlet Spill Prevention & Response, Inc. (CISPRI) Technical Manual, Southeast Alaska Petroleum Response Organization (SEAPRO) Tech Manual, NOAA National Center for Environmental Information, Arctic Action Team, NOAA National Center for Environmental Information, Geophysics and Bathymetry, NOAA National Center for Environmental Information, Oceans and Sea Ice, NOAA National Center for Environmental Information, Weather and Climate, NWS Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service, NWS SPOT weather forecast for incident and events, ADEC Spill Tactics for Alaska Responders Video Training Aids, Alaska Oceanographic Circulation Diagrams and Graphics (PDF 48M), Alaska Pipelines Jurisdictional Tool: Jurisdictional Tool,PHMSA or EPA (PDF 4.7M), Alaska Spill Prevention and Response Guidance Documents, Alaska State Emergency Response Commission, SERC / Local Emergency Planning Committees, LEPC, Ensuring Food Safety Following an Oil Spill in Alaska: Regulatory Authorities and Responsibilities in Alaska (PDF 5.5M), Laws, Regulations and Directives, Federal, National Response System Brochure (PDF 7.5M), DOT PHMSA Oil Spill Exercise and Response Training Videos, Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), NOAA Office of Response and Restoration: NRDAR, United States Coast Guard ICS Position Job Aids, National Incident Management System (NIMS), NIMS Can Help: Command and Coordination (MAC), NIMS Emergency Operations Center Skill Sets Users Guide (EOC), NIMS Overview for Senior Officials (Executives, Elected, and Appointed), EPA How to Better Prepare Your Community for a Chemical Emergency: A Guide for State, Tribal, and Local Agencies, EPA Chemical Emergency Preparedness and Prevention on Tribal Lands, ADHSEM Small Community Emergency Response Plans, ADHSEM State of Alaska Evacuation Planning Guide, USCG Marine Environmental Response and Preparedness Manual, National Preparedness for Response Exercise Program Guidelines, 2016, Clean Water Act Section 502: General Definitions, The Alaska State Legislature Website (State Statute and Regulation search), Enter a search term, click search, and scroll down to see the link text highlighted in yellow, Wildlife Protection Guidelines for Oil Spill Response in Alaska 2020, Northwest Area Contingency Plan, Health and Safety Job Aid Site Safety Job Aid (Link coming soon), Additional Information and Resources are available on the. 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alaska emergency operations center